Go to content | En 50 ans, l'Université de Nantes a porté la formation et la recherche au plus haut niveau, en inventant un modèle universitaire ouvert sur son environnement, attentif aux évolutions sociétales et à l'écoute des besoins en recrutement du tissu économique local et national. Université de Nantes is just 2 hours from Paris ! Remember Me. The blob, a cell that helps us learn more about our own genome. Throughout 21 faculties and schools, 280 degrees are offered at Université de Nantes, with 43 research units working in all fields of knowledge. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Connection, You are here : InSight took off from California on 5 May 2018 and landed on Mars on 26 November 2018, for a nominal term of 2 years. 1 – 6 of 15. A major higher education and research centre in Western France, Université de Nantes has never stopped moving forward. Their results, published in early August in the Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets, shed some light on the mystery of Mercury before the arrival of the BepiColombo mission to arrive near the planet in 2025. L'Université de Nantes propose un large éventail de formations (DUT, Licences et Licences professionnelles, Masters, diplômes d'ingénieurs) dans toutes les disciplines. John Tolan, Université de Nantes, Histoire Department, Faculty Member. Overall. EUniWell’s inaugural International Policy Commission event will be chaired by Stefano Manservisi, former Director-General of the European Commission’s Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development. This institution also has a branch campus in La Roche-sur-Yon and Saint-Nazaire. This discovery was made by three researchers from the Laboratoire de planétologie et géodynamique. Avant de partir pour le Vendée Globe, Armel Tripon Skipper s'est prê... té pour nous au jeu du portrait chinois ! A welcome desk for international students and a single centralised place which welcomes overseas researchers arriving in Nantes, A major research center in Western France, Research is a major growth sector for Université de Nantes, with 44 accredited laboratories. Presentation; Access - Contacts ; Directory; Research Activities . Registrations for our Full-time semester courses beginning in January 2020 are still open online until December, 18. Osuna CNRS Université d'Angers Université de Nantes Connexion. Researchers from Nantes have discovered a new way to increase the energy of Li-ion (lithium-ion) batteries by adding magnesium. Université de Nantes. L’enseignement et la transmission des connaissances en sont des clés de voûtes. 3.99 / 5 based on 125 reviews. Lifelong Learning Programme as well as Youth in Action, Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, etc. 75% of research units are A and A+ rated. Espace/Environnement/Sociétés Direct access | Sécurisation des produits bios : le GEPEA et le CEISAM, partenaires aux côtés d’Eurofins d’un ambitieux programme de recherche, Science Detox #2 : la recherche nantaise 100% "bonnes nouvelles", La Fondation lance l'opération "Tous solidaires !". Next. The University has campuses in Nantes, Saint-Nazaire and La Roche-sur-Yon. Agronomie/Ecologie/Environnement The renowned teacher educator and education researcher, Edwige Chirouter (UNESCO Chair/University of Nantes Chair for the Practice of Philosophy with Children) held free sessions for teachers in Auckland and Wellington, supported by a minor grant from the New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO, 10, 11 April in Auckland and 15 April in Wellington. Ancrée au cœur de Nantes, ville réputée pour sa vitalité, son développement économique et sa qualité de vie, l'Université de Nantes rayonne … I’m an associate professor at the University of Nantes, where I teach different topics related to Software Engineering.. Version française Université de Nantes is ranked among the top 25 French universities. Founded in 1460, Université de Nantes (University of Nantes) is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the urban setting of the medium city of Nantes (population range of 250,000-499,999 inhabitants), Pays de la Loire. Nantes researcher among the most cited worldwide. Chimie 347. Student life. John Tolan, Professor of History at the University and a specialist in the medieval Mediterranean world, is one of the four scientific leaders of the “EuQu” (The European Qur’an). 37 000 students over 140 countries | Université de Nantes is organized into 6 campuses located in wooded areas and most are well served by public transportation. French Language Courses . … Expenses. 44035 Nantes Cedex 1. Accès directs | Yann Dupont is the head of the IRTS department (which is part of DSIN, Direction des Systèmes d’Information et du Numérique de l’Université de Nantes), in charge of IT for all of them, and even some in towns nearby ( St Nazaire … ). Gitlab Université de Nantes. May MINGLE, Universite de Nantes, CoDiRe EA 4643 Department, Graduate Student. The course will ensure you a dynamic learning experience in a relaxed atmosphere ! Nantes is a beautiful town in Britanny where many universities and schools are located. INTRANET, Vous êtes ici : Biologie/santé Contributions to open projects are welcome but new projet creation is however restricted to students and staff of the university and is only possible from the university's … 16 May 2019 . He works with Jacky Carimalo, Yoann Juet, Damiano … Forgot your password? Université de Nantes is ranked among the top 25 French universities. Sciences de la terre et de l'univers The launch event for the ERC Synergy project “The European Qur’an”, held in Naples (Italy) on October, 16-18, 2019, brought together an international team of researchers working on the European Qur’an and related topics. A major higher education and research centre in Western France, Université de Nantes has never stopped moving forward. In addition to the several campuses scattered in the city of Nantes, there are two satellite campuses located respectively in Saint-Nazaire and La Roche-sur-Yon. Founded in the XVth century, then closed for nearly 200 years, Université de Nantes reopened in 1962 and went on to become one of the top French universities. Les contributions aux projets publics sont les bienvenues mais la création de projet est en revanche reservée aux étudiants et personnels de l'université et n'est possible que des réseaux universitaire ou du VPN. … Cyril defended his thesis on October 2nd, 2020 (Amphi Ricordeau) Développement d'un substitut osseux hautement malléable et cohésif, un nouveau concept de matrice pour la régénération osseuse. For the third consecutive year, Philippe Moreau, university professor and hospital practitioner, director of the Integrated Cancer Research Site and haematologist specialized in the treatment of multiple myeloma, is among the top 1% of the world’s leading researchers most cited across all fields of research, according to the prestigious Clarivate Analytics Report. Soutenez le projet #UnivNantes sur les réseaux sociaux. New discovery in planetology : Mercury’s core 50 km larger than previously thought ! Changing Marine Systems; Planet Earth; Diverse Icy Worlds; Terrestrial Planets; … Sur la route du Vendée Globe #4 : Tout schuss pour Armel Tripon dans le grand sud ! Mathématiques Swansea Institute of Higher Education, Swansea, United Kingdom Business Studies, Undergraduate, … Normes/Institutions/Comportements sociaux Université de Nantes 3.99 /5. Navigation | Université de Nantes. The latest Shanghai ranking puts Université de Nantes in the top 4% of world universities. The Université de Nantes. tous il y a 1 jour. Together, they lay the foundations for a new French university model that combines high standards and help, excellence and … Our melting pot, our diversity make Université de Nantes a vibrant place, both welcoming and creative. Ocean Zoom; Laboratory. Shanghai Ranking : Université de Nantes strengthens its position. Forgot your username? 250,000+ residents in Nantes. See All 5 Photos . View programmes Write Review. Useful | 0. mattp31530. Université de Nantes is one of the rare French universities to promote interdisciplinary studies, and within its campuses, different disciplines meet to enrich, develop and strengthen one another. Université de Nantes octobre 2012 – Aujourd’hui 7 ans 1 mois. Incoming students : venir étudier à Nantes, Histoire, histoire de l'art et archéologie, Ecologie, Géosciences, Agronomie, Alimentation (EGAAL), Ecole Doctorale de Gestion et d'Economie (EDGE), Education, Langages, Interactions, Cognition, Clinique (ELICC). 30 Apr 2019. La Fondation de l'Université de Nantes a lancé une opération de mécénat invitant tous ceux qui ont fait l'histoire de la Faculté de Droit et des Sciences politiques à valoriser les métiers du droit et à contribuer au rayonnement de l'université. Located in a beautiful, natural … Academic. Université de Nantes has over 21 faculties and schools and 295 specialties that are consistently some of the highest rated programs among French universities. 20,000+ on Campus. Nearly 90% of the students study at the campus in Nantes, the 6th largest city in France, located on the Loire estuary some thirty … Studies Sociolinguistique, Didactique du français langue étrangère, and Analyse du discours. Learn French at Université de Nantes. Université de Nantes. In January 2021 Nantes Université will be created, a new public higher education and research institution supported by three founders: the University of Nantes, the Nantes university hospital and Inserm. Version française Covid-19 : Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Students, Histoire, histoire de l'art et archéologie, 10 years of MCE in Nantes (residence for foreign researchers), EUniWell launches inaugural Policy Commission on Well-Being in a Covid World on 17 June, 2020 as a virtual event, Seven top European universities join forces to improve citizens’ well-being, Shanghai Ranking : Université de Nantes strengthens its position. Directeur de thèse: C. Le Visage - Co-directeur : J. Guicheux. La Fondation de l'Université de Nantes a lancé une opération de mécénat invitant tous ceux qui ont fait l'histoire de la Faculté de Droit et des Sciences politiques à valoriser les métiers du droit et à contribuer au rayonnement de l'université. The Rectors, Presidents and Vice-Chancellors from seven of Europe’s leading universities met in Köln (Germany) to launch their shared vision for improving European citizens’ quality of life by creating a European University for Well-Being. Through top level education and research, the alliance will help to create an environment that allows for European citizens and their global neighbours to be well-educated, socially responsible, healthy, inclusive and diverse — all critical aspects of well-being. Discussing the key issues on floating wind turbines for 2030, the development of technology and its acceptability, and preparing for the future in order to develop near-term collaborations between the United States and France were just some of subjects on the agenda at the French-American Innovation Days in Boston on 18 and 19 March 2019, on the theme of “Floating Offshore wind Energy Technology”. The researchers estimate that by 2035 oyster mortality risk will be equivalent to the worst episodes of mortality observed over the past 20 years. ), International Relations and Affairs … Read 125 Reviews. Our service will be closed from Friday October 23, 5PM to Monday November 2, 2PM. Moving forward from its place in the top 700 last year, Université de Nantes is now in the best 500 universities for nine fields, demonstrating the dynamism of university research in Nantes. Category:Université de Nantes. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication 16 अक्तूबर को 3:51 पूर्वाह्न बजे. Accueil université, Indéfini(e) Directeur de thèse: O. Malard - Co-directeur : G. Daculsi . The University of Nantes (French: Université de Nantes) is a French university, located in the city of Nantes. More than 10% of them are international students coming from 110 countries. Students will prepare the Diplome Universitaire d'études françaises (DUEF). The four principal investigators presented their program to the members of the EuQu advisory board and other invited scholars. La communauté de l'Université de Nantes adresse ses condoléances et fait part de son émotion à l'ensemble de ses proches, ses collègues et ses élèves. Université de Nantes is ranked among the top 25 French universities. Sciences pour l'ingénieur, Biologie, recherche médicale et applications, Lettres, langues, sciences de l'homme et de la société. Since 2018, I lead the Naomod research group, which is part of the LS2N research laboratory.. Naomod is working intensively on improving and promoting the base techniques, best practices and actual usages of Model-Based Engineering (MDE) by paying equally … Réponse sur. The blob, a cell that helps us learn more about our own genome, Committed to combatting harassment and bullying in all its forms, Nantes researcher among the most cited worldwide, InSight: Nantes researchers take a closer look at Mars, Climate change: a growing threat to oysters, Learn French in Nantes : Full-time semester courses, A research program studies the "European Qur’an", New discovery in planetology : Mercury’s core 50 km larger than previously thought, Intensive French Courses : Enjoy your summer in Nantes, Floating wind turbines: successful French-American Innovation Days co-organized in Boston by IUML, UNESCO Chair for the Practice of Philosophy with Children, ERC : Professor from Nantes leads a major European programme, InSight : Nantes researchers take a closer look at Mars, Climate change : a growing threat to oysters, Boosting lithium batteries with the help of magnesium, Contact the International Relations Office. 28 Aug 2019. It is located in an attractive area boasting strong economic and demographic growth over the past two decades. Today, Université de Nantes is one of France’s top multidisciplinary universities. Accueil du LPG. Practical Information. Université de Nantes is located in a beautiful natural environment situated in the heart of Nantes, a city two hours from Paris in the West of France (500,000 inhabitants). Langues/Textes/Arts/Cultures Mondes anciens et contemporains Committed to combatting harassment and bullying in all its forms. If you want to use your summer holidays to experience a cultural and linguistic stay in Nantes or prepare your upcomin studies at University, French Summer Courses at Université de Nantes are an answer to your needs. Object location: 47° 14′ 16.36″ N, 1° 33′ 15.42″ W View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap - Google Earth - Proximityrama: University of Nantes french university based in Nantes, founded in 1961. > Université de Nantes Website. 15 Student life Reviews. New discovery in planetology : Mercury’s core 50 km larger than previously thought ! और देखें . Université de Nantes is a partner in one of the largest current European research programmes (€10 million). Université de Nantes. Marchés et organisations Aller au contenu | Université de Nantes is one of the rare French universities to promote interdisciplinary studies, and within its campuses, different disciplines meet to enrich, develop and strengthen one another. At the top of the international rankings, the University of Nantes is renewed. Physique Pourquoi y a t-il des similitudes entre les paysages de Mars et ceux de la Terre ? Navigation | Plusieurs formations sont accessibles en alternance ou en reprise d'études. Yet, this living thing is much more intelligent than we thought.