Salle-de-jeux [Game-Room], 1994. adj m désireux, inquiet, vif, prompt, avide, calme, empressé, rapide, ardent, alerte, haletant, piaffant. get impatient Synonyme. Samedi, les Parisiens affrontent La Rochelle pour le compte de la 2ème journée du Top 14 (16h45). Word lid van Facebook om met Ant Impatient Backatit en anderen in contact te komen. Antonia Lofaso has not been previously engaged. Discover the real story, facts, and details of Anthony De La Torre. But he hardly fancied having so impatient a lad go off by himself. Collection Les Impatients. Synonyme; Übersetzungen und Beispiele. Eager usually refers to some specific and immediate satisfaction, earnest to something permanent and enduring; the patriotic soldier is earnest in his devotion to his country, eager for a decisive battle. Antonio Mazza; Romain Peuvion; Guy Richard; Johanne Roy; Arthème St-Germain* Espérance Veillard; Larry Vick; Antonio Mazza. 2 min read. Antonio Mazza. Les antonymes du mot impatiente présentés sur ce site sont édités par l’équipe éditoriale de , es. Retrouver la conjugaison du verbe impatient sur cross. Explore Anthony De La Torre's biography, personal life, family and real age. Encore de de synonymes pour le mot impatient: . impatient. The other bird remained as before, except for an impatient glance at the basket. annoyed. prickly. The 24-year-old does not see his age as a barrier as he attempts to clinch gold on his Olympic debut in at the Games in Tokyo. It's up to the NFL how hard a line it wants to take with the latest Antonio Brown incident. tense. WILMINGTON, Del. Impatient Hrgovic calls out heavyweight contenders: Sign the contract! She was impatient at the slightest delay, and only half answered his questions. volume_up . volume_up {Adjektiv} 1. It is human nature to want something so badly, that a minute seems like a day She has a daughter named Xea. impatient Antonyme. Antonio Mazza. 2 agog, athirst, chafing, eager, fretful, headlong, impetuous, like a cat on hot bricks (informal) restless, straining at the leash. "impatient." Explore 'impatient' in the dictionary 1 (Adjektiv) in the sense of cross. Another word for impatient. We’ve all been impatient—and we’ve all made rash decisions when impatience got the better of us. Showcasing our LMP2 entry for tomorrow's @wtf1official's 3H Spa Invitational on @rFactor2. Vous utilisez ici les antonymes de impatient. 2 unable or unwilling to endure. An impatient glance from Tattycoram seemed, as Clennam saw it, to answer 'With my eyes!'. impatient Antonyme. Vinai Venkatesham admits Arsenal are ‘impatient’ to be top trophy contenders. What is the meaning of impatient? Top Antonyme für impatient (das Gegenteil von impatient) sind patient, enduring und tolerant. 7 Dec. 2020. What are opposite words of Impatient? It had such encouraging reports of his business that he was impatient to get back to it. How do you use impatient in a sentence? Synonymes et antonymes du mot : impatient ungeduldig. Ce site vous permet de trouver en un seul endroit, tous les synonymes, antonymes et les règles de conjugaison de la langue française. Voir la définition de impatient dans le dictionnaire Larousse en ligne, découvrez le sens du mot impatient et comment l'utiliser dans vos textes.. Nouvelle recherche. I'm gonna be teaming up with @HanyAlsabti, looking forward to the event, should be a cracker! Jan Vertonghen believes former boss Mauricio Pochettino will be getting 'impatient' having been out of work for 12 months. I’m pleased to … impatient. A life of pleasure is, therefore, the most unpleasing life. Donors grow increasingly impatient with Lebanese politicians. Antonyms for Impatients. Synonyms for Impatients in Free Thesaurus. — President-elect Joe Biden is growing impatient with President Donald Trump’s refusal to allow his administration to facilitate a transition, but his advisers are concerned that any legal action to try to force such cooperation could backfire, according to four people familiar with the internal discussions.. impatient | definition: restless or short-tempered under delay or opposition | synonyms: restive, unforbearing| antonyms: patient, unagitated, quiet, composed I am impatient to write to your sister Tollemache this good news. Impatient synonymes et Impatient antonymes. restless or short-tempered under delay or opposition, "impatient with the slower students"; "impatient of criticism", Antonyms:patient of, persevering, enduring, patient, diligent, longanimous, uneager, long-suffering, forbearing, unhurried, tolerant, (usually followed by `to') full of eagerness, Antonyms:persevering, long-suffering, forbearing, unhurried, longanimous, patient, tolerant, patient of, uneager, diligent, enduring. unduldsam {Adj.} Il permet également de trouver des termes plus adéquat pour restituer un trait caractéristique, le but, la fonction, etc. Even in my benevolence I was as impatient and unreasonable as a child. Impatient Hrgovic calls out heavyweight contenders: Sign the contract! After falling to 2-5 on the season, some Tennessee fans would be fine if the team left Jeremy Pruitt in Auburn. Preposition:Eager for (more rarely after) favor, honor, etc. Die Wörter Impatient und Avid haben eine ähnliche Bedeutung. impatient (auch: desirous, avid, eager, aware) volume_up. Les antonymes du mot impatience présentés sur ce site sont édités par l'équipe éditoriale de antonyme.or L'utilisation du service de dictionnaire des synonymes impatient est gratuite et réservée à un usage strictement personnel. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Synonyme von impatient. "intolerant" impatient. Dictionnaire des antonymes . Conjugaison impatient. impatient, es adj m désireux, inquiet, vif, prompt, avide, calme, empressé, rapide, ardent, alerte, haletant, piaffant [antonyme] patient, pantelant, coléreux Antonia had at least 1 relationship in the past. Jetzt auch als NativeApp für Smartphones und Tablets! Mortal men should be impatient and impetuous; patience is only for the immortals! Antonyme impatient. You know how prickly she can be. ; eager in pursuit. impatient (auch: short-tempered, antsy, impatiently) volume_up. None has more frequent conversations with a disagreeable self than the man of pleasure; his enthusiasms are but few and transient; his appetites, like angry creditors, are continually making fruitless demands for what he is unable to pay; and the greater his former pleasures, the more strong his regret, the more impatient his expectations. Dictionnaire anglais Collins English synonyme-Thesaurus. Definition. Top antonyms for impatient (opposite of impatient) are patient, enduring and tolerant. Antonyms for impatient ɪmˈpeɪ ʃənt This page is about all possible antonyms and opposite words for the term impatient. Définition du mot impatient. Saisissez un mot et lancez la recherche de ses synonymes et antonymes Accueil » synonymes et antonymes » impatient. Top impatient Antonyme (Adjektive) sind happy, willing und patient. Synonymes et antonymes du mot impatient. Impatient antonyms. Impatient antonyms. Suppose an anthropologist were asked, apart from the sound and fury of current politics, ... some change, any change, as a sick person on a bed tosses and turns for relief that does not come. The former Tottenham … Patience is a complot of the Devil to immobilize the men! Information to come. Everyone was getting bored and cross. agacé; alerte; ardent; attentif; avide; bouillant; brusque; calme; colère; coléreux; désireux; empressé; fougueux; haletant; impétueux; indocile; inquiet; irrité; irritable; nerveux; piaffant; pressé; prompt; rapide; surexcité; Antonymes de impatient Anthony Esolen. He becomes impatient as the hours pass. more_vert. . Ein anderes wort für impatient: cross, tense, annoyed, irritated, prickly | Collins Englischer Thesaurus (4) Erfahren Sie mehr über englische Wort: impatient, einschließlich Aussprache, Antonym, Definition, Synonyme. I'm also going to stream my stints, so make sure you follow me! BEIRUT: As the UN hosted a second International Conference on Assistance and Support to Beirut on Wednesday, there was growing impatience among … Ant Impatient Backatit is lid van Facebook. We truly appreciate your support. What are synonyms for impatient? Carmelo Anthony growing impatient with Houston Rockets trade Karceno4Life. apathetic, indifferent, uneager, unenthusiastic. Synonymes de impatient. irritable at any delay or difficulty. être impatient. の反対語 antonyms for impatient Nearby Words of antonyms for impatient antonymy antre antrorse antrum ants ants-eye photography antonyms antonymously … An Impatient Nation Gives Nevada The Meme Treatment. French President Emmanuel Macron speaks with Arnaud Tranchant, commander of the Tonnerre helicopter carrier, off the port of Beirut. Synonyme für impatient auf Englisch, Definition, Siehe auch 'impatience',impotent',impaired',impertinent', biespiele, konjugation Magua shook his head, and made an impatient sign for the crowd to open. We’ve left lines that were barely moving, only to get into an even slower line. With time running very short to reach a deal on Britain's future relationship with the European Union, some member states are growing impatient, … What is the definition of impatient? Police de caractères: Surligner les objets textuels Colorer les objets : Aucun Auteur d'exemple Code grammatical Construction Crochets Date d'exemple Définition Domaine technique Entrée Exemple Indicateur Mot vedette Plan de l'article Publication Source Synonyme/antonyme … Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. volume_up. I shall be impatient to hear whether they will attempt to carry you to your uncle's. Why, the impatient and sickly are secretly afraid … those airline passengers who are so impatient of delays, even for the most obvious of reasons. Les antonymes du mot impatient présentés sur ce site sont édités par l’équipe éditoriale de “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time, The Most Insincere Compliments And What To Say Instead. Die Suche im Wörterbuch ergab folgende Treffer für "impatient":, c'est plus de 44800 synonymes, 15000 antonymes et 8600 conjugaisons disponibles. One is eager for the gratification of any appetite or passion; he is earnest in conviction, purpose, or character. forme du verbe être être comme un ours en cage, être sur des charbons ardents, être sur le gril, griller d'envie, griller d'impatience.
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