Kopassus was built up with American expertise despite US awareness of its role in the genocide of about 200,000 people in the years after the invasion of East Timor … Why Americans Should Care about East Timor Noam Chomsky Mother Jones, August 26, 1999. War, Genocide, and Resistance in East Timor, 1975–1999 201 03-263 Ch 09 7/15/03 10:52 AM Page 201. against the Cham, Vietnamese and other minority groups, and the Buddhist monkhood. It is not easy to write with feigned calm and dispassion about the events that have been unfolding in East Timor. ), Free East Timor, Australia’s Culpability in East Timor’s Genocide, Vintage, Sydney, pp. The capital city of East Timor is Dili. km. Deakin (Hilton) 1998, “East Timor and the Catholic Church”, in Aubrey (Jim) (Ed. 15 April 2020 Pacific: Pacific countries must not use COVID-19 to regress on human rights Research Timor-Leste. American-backed Genocide in East Timor Estimated civilian deaths: 200,000 out of a population of 600,000 After the independence from Portuguese colonialism, East Timor was invaded by the anti-communist regime of Indonesian General Suharto, on orders of American and Australian imperialism and with the support of Soviet and Chinese social-imperialism (the seas of Timor are immensely rich in oil) . Since the early 16 th century it was a colony of Portugal, coveted for its extensive resources of sandalwood and its favorable location in the midst of Chinese and Indian trade routes. 200 000 Timorais ont payé de leur vie cette « intégration », abandonnés par la communauté internationale. Dili is the capital and largest city. On November 12, 1991, Indonesian troops fired on a peaceful … 1 - AT THE EAST TIMOR SCALE, IT IS A VERITABLE HOLOCAUST,WITH MORE THAN 40 % OF THE WHOLE PEOPLE ELIMATED DURING THE FIRST SIX YEARS OF OCCUPATION. “If You Leave Us Here, We Will Die” tells the story of East Timor, a half-island that suffered genocide after Indonesia invaded in 1975, and which was again laid to waste after the population voted for independence from Indonesia in 1999. 1 October 2017 South-east Asia: Bravery punished: repression of young human rights defenders in Southeast Asia Research Timor-Leste. Today, Timor is essentially split in half. in East Timor au Timor Oriental UNTAET UNTAET/REG/2000/15 6 June 2000 REGULATION NO. As shown on the physical map of the country above, East Timor also includes several islands like Atauro and Jaco. It … It lies on the north coast and has a population of around 200,000. East Timor Retrospective Noam Chomsky Le Monde diplomatique, October, 1999. We produced it a year after the Santa Cruz massacre in which more than 270 Timorese … In May 2002, Timor-Leste became an independent state. The official name of the country is the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste.. what is the capital of east timor? There are three good reasons why Americans should care about East Timor. That, an excerpt from Massacre: The Story of East Timor. East Timor is an independent nation that gained independence in 2002 as a result of the right to self-determination and West Timor is under the control of Indonesia. In a neighboring island a century later, Indonesia's invasion and occupation of East Timor from 1975 to 1999 took more than 120,000 lives, out of a population of 650,000. 2000/15 ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF PANELS WITH EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION ... For the purposes of the present regulation, "genocide" means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious This weekend marked the 20th anniversary of the Santa Cruz massacre in East Timor. East Timor country profile Provides an overview of East Timor, including key events and facts about this former Portuguese colony which won independence from … Twenty years after the invasion, and as a consequence of the Indonesian occupation, the martyred people of East Timor suffered the greatest genocide registered in the XXth century. This is a book about a terrible spate of mass violence. East Timor, island country in the eastern Lesser Sunda Islands, at the southern extreme of the Malay Archipelago. Au sud, la mer de Timor sépare le Timor de l'Australie. Australia's public and press were largely sympathetic to East Timor's right to self-determination. Unfortunately, Timor Leste's (East Timor) admission to ASEAN is not among that list. East Timor: US Backed Genocide Timor is an island just north of Australia across the Timor Sea. Geoffrey Robinson, ‘If you leave us here, we will die’: How genocide was stopped in East Timor, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford, 2010. Timor comes from the Malay word for "east"; the island of Timor is part of the Malay Archipelago and is the largest and easternmost of the Lesser Sunda Islands; the district of Oecussi is an exclave separated from Timor-Leste proper by Indonesia; Timor-Leste has the unique distinction of being the only Asian country located completely in the Southern Hemisphere (See: Battle of Timor (1942-43).) Entre le 7 décembre 1975, jour où le Timor-Oriental a été envahi et annexé par l'Indonésie, et le référendum du 30 août 1999, au cours duquel 78,5 % de ses habitants se sont prononcés pour l'indépendance, il s'est écoulé un quart de siècle. 221-235. On December 7, 1975 Indonesia secretly - but with the complicity of the Western powers including the US, the UK, and Australia - invaded the small nation of East Timor. Le Timor oriental est situé pour sa majeure partie sur la moitié est de l'île de Timor, la plus grande des petites îles de la Sonde.L'île mesure 30 777 km 2 ; le Timor oriental en occupe environ 15 000 km 2. The 300-mile-long Southeast Asian island, Timor-Leste, is located 300 miles north of Australia. East Timor, also called Timor Leste, sits at the eastern tip of the island of Timor, which it shares with Indonesia, its only land neighbor. 2 June 2017 On 29 January 1996, Andrea, Jo Blackman and Lotta Kronlid broke into a British Aerospace factory in Lancashire and used household hammers to disarm a Hawk warplane bound for Indonesia.The plane would have been used to continue Indonesia’s campaign of genocide against the people of occupied East Timor, and the aim of the action was to stop the plane being delivered. The Special Panels for Serious Crimes (SPSC) in East Timor were established by the United Nations, acting as the transitional authority between the end of the Indonesian occupation in 1999 and the independence of East Timor in 2002. Although Portugal was neutral during World War II, in December 1941, Portuguese Timor was occupied by Australian and Dutch forces, which were expecting a Japanese invasion. - LE GÉNOCIDE DU TIMOR-ORIENTAL -Entre le 7 décembre 1975, jour où le Timor-Oriental a été envahi et annexé par l’Indonésie, et le référendum du 30 août 1999, au cours duquel 78,5 % de ses habitants se sont prononcés pour l’indépendance, il s’est écoulé un quart de siècle. UN-authorized troops intervened, and the UN Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) was established. Special Panel for Serious Crimes east timor. Les détroits d'Ombai et de Wetar séparent le nord de l'île du reste de l'archipel de la Sonde. It is also about a rare success in bringing such violence to an end. Its nearest maritime neighbor is Australia, a one-hour flight away. Two Australian television crews attempting to document the invasion were murdered. First, since the Indonesian invasion of December 1975, East Timor has been the site of some of the worst atrocities of the modern era — atrocities which are mounting again right now. Timor-Leste. Faced with such figures, one may wonder whether the occupation of East Timor and its consequences can be described as a crime against humanity, or even attempted genocide. East Timor's road to independence - achieved on 20 May 2002 - was long and traumatic. Also I thought the book to be "thin" in that it leaves out the context in which the invasion and occupation of East Timor happened. The Khmer Rouge subjected these groups to an especiall y harsh and Why did East Timor hold a referendum in 1999? Helene van Klinken (helenevk@gmail.com) recently wrote a PhD about the transfer of East Timorese children to Indonesia between 1975 and 1999. Sharing the island of Timor with West Timor of Indonesia, Timor-Leste, also called East Timor, is a sovereign nation with a total area of about 15,007 sq. The UN set up a special judicial process to investigate serious crimes committed during the conflict and indicted close to 400 suspects. It occupies the eastern half of the island of Timor, the small nearby islands of Atauro and Jaco, and the enclave of Ambeno. East Timor: Media Turned Their Backs on Genocide Matthew Jardine Imagine that a small country is invaded in 1975 by a powerful neighbor well over 100 times its size, a major recipient of U.S. military and economic aid. This is an eminently readable account of the invasion of East Timor by Indonesia, and its occupation by Indonesia. When the Japanese did occupy Timor, in February 1942, the Allies and Timorese volunteers engaged them in a guerilla campaign. Of all his films, John Pilger marked the making of Death of a Nation: The Timor Conspiracy, about genocide in East Timor following the Indonesian dictatorship’s 1975 bloody invasion and occupation, as ‘the most challenging to my sense of self-preservation and the most inspirational’. East Timor: Genocide in Paradise (The Real Story Series) by Matthew Jardine (6 times) In the Time of Madness: Indonesia on the Edge of Chaos by Richard Lloyd Parry (6 times) Reluctant saviour : Australia, Indonesia and the independence of East Timor by Clinton Fernandes (5 times) Timor : a people betrayed by James Dunn (5 times) The landmark vote in 1999, in which 78.5% of East Timorese chose independence from Indonesia, was … The first point was examined as early as 1999 by an Indonesian commission looking into human-rights violations in East Timor (KPP-HAM-Tim-Tim). It is, however, out-of-date, East Timor now being independent. In 1859, the Treaty of Lisbon ceded the western part of the island to the Dutch West Indies. East Timor or Timor-Leste is a sovereign state in Maritime Southeast Asia..