I felt kind of embarrassed living in my mom's house for so long.”, “Seems like a pretty good day to just lay around, maybe read a book or something... what do you think?”, “I got up just before dawn and took a walk around the farm. Stardew Valley Sebastian heart events. Sebastian is one of the villagers in stardew valley. He also owns a motorcycle and seems to do maintenance on it semi-frequently. It lives on the bottom, so both eyes are on top of its head. If the player is unmarried and has given a bouquet to all available bachelors, raised friendship with each bachelor to 10 hearts, and seen each bachelor's 10-heart event, then entering The Stardrop Saloon will trigger a cutscene. Join us! Zerochan has 29 Sebastian (stardew Valley) anime images, fanart, and many more in its gallery. This hard enamel lapel pin will is sure to remind you of the bygone days of sitting in a basement reading comics. We explore any clues and leads we can possibly find. He has a bit of a \"Emo\" attitude, preferring darkness to the light and having an interest in things most people consider creepy. Standing outside by the lake near the wooden walkway. Should we go to the festival tomorrow night? Hmm... Not really my thing, but everyone's different I guess. This is nice.”, “It's my birthday and you give me this? Er hat das Gefühl, dass Maru ihm vorgezogen wird und während des Winters redet er davon, einen Schnee-Goon zu bauen, aber Demetriusverlangt, dass er entfernt wird; Sebastian wird verärgert fragen, was das Problem seines Stiefvaters sei. Stardew Valley: 10 Reasons Why Sebastian Is The Best Bachelor. I dunno. You look great today.”, “You always look great, even after slopping around in the yard all day.”, “I don't often show it, but I'm really happy that I'm your husband. help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. He asks you to wait, he needs to finish something. He tends to get deeply absorbed in computer games, comic books, and sci-fi novels, and will sometimes spend great lengths of time pursuing these hobbies alone in his room. It's really peaceful at that hour.”, “Hey. Robin (Mother) Demetrius (Stepfather) Maru (Maternal Half-Sister) Maybe I'm just so used to my dark basement.”, “I don't want to get soft now that I'm a married guy. Jul 4, 2016 - Sebastian from Stardew Valley by ToshioHD.deviantart.com on @DeviantArt Sebastian and my character are presumably happily married, and he's getting his favorite Sashimi every day. At home, working on his motorcycle behind the farmhouse. He has a bit of an emo aesthetic, but his romance turns out to be very bittersweet. Sebastian vive con sua madre, Robin, con il patrigno Demetrius e la sorellastra Maru. The leaves and bright red berries make a popular winter decoration. I like to spend a lot of time alone.”, “Hey...want some coffee? He pulls on his cigarette a few times, and then asks what you think of the city. Comics and austereness not included. See More by pakkiedavie. Different people like different things, I guess.”, “Hey, I'm glad you stopped by. It'll be good to see Sam again.”, “Oh... tomorrow's the flower dance, isn't it? Il est le demi-frère aîné de Maru, et il a l'impression que sa sœur reçoit toute l'attention et l'adoration, alors qu'il est laissé seul dans le noir. 64 Comments. He tends to feel like the “unfavorite” due to how profoundly his sister is … I'm busy thinking about something. 6,4 mil Me gusta. (Multiplayer isn't supported on mobile). If you aren't busy I don't mind if you stick around.”, “I wonder what's for dinner tonight... *grumble*”, “It's fun to live so close to the train tracks. Furthermore, if married to Maru, she may sometimes say she "wishes her brother would just ask Abigail out". Anytime. It feels good to take out your aggression now and then, doesn't it.”, “I'm trying my best to quit smoking now that we're married...I don't wanna die on you. He has a bit of a "emo" attitude, preferring darkness to the light and having an interest in things most people consider creepy. Endorsements. Sebastian is near the lake when he notices you. During the Flower Dance, if neither Abigail nor Sebastian is dancing with the player, Sebastian dances with Abigail. sebastian-stardew-valley. Why does Lewis make us do this?”, “Ugh...Yes dear? Reminds me a lot of you, actually. I guess maybe they are feeding on the mosquitoes this time of year?”, “What are you doing in here? Unfollow. ", Sebastian responds: "Oh yeah? If your character is female, he mentions that he doesn't normally bring girls to this place. Product Details. Standing at the end of long pier to the left of fish shop. Games. It's pretty cool though.”, “It would be interesting to have one of these on the farm.”, “The halloween festival is tomorrow. I have no idea what's good... you're the chef!”, “The weather's starting to cool off. Gaming merchandise officially licensed by ConcernedApe; Comes with mini frog Plush! Don’t worry about me.”, “I feel like I want to do something today... but I'm not sure what. Don't ever go monster hunting without a life elixir and some sturdy boots, okay?”, “I don't really feel like doing work today. Why don't you tell me about yours?”, “The wedding was wonderful... wasn’t it, dear? Sebastian Stardew Valley. I can do whatever I feel like and not have people nagging at me all the time. Sebastian stands approximately 10 inches tall. You can give Sebastian up to two gifts per week (plus one on Otherwise, he admits that he's never felt this way about other guys, but that you're different. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Thank you.”, “How was your day? Goes to the river in the northern woods with sam, Goes into bedroom. Just wondering!”, “...You want to get more serious? Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. This little yam was hiding beneath the snow. This section is marked as a stub for the following reason: On Summer 4 he has an appointment at the clinic. I get bored of sunny weather easily.”, “Hey, another rainy day... perfect. Abigail/Sebastian (Stardew Valley) (35) Exclude Additional Tags Fluff (195) Slow Burn (153) Romance (115) Angst (84) Fluff and Angst (63) Depression (61) Eventual Romance (60) Friends to Lovers (59) Slice of Life (58) Smut (57) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. If married to Sam, he'll sometimes ask if you "think Sebastian and Abigail will ever hook up". 33. I wonder what horrors we'll find there.”, “I wonder what Sam's up to? He lives in the craftsman’s shop with his mother Robin, his stepsister Maru, and his stepfather Demetrius. Sort by: Hot. I enjoy watching you.”, “Hm...Sometimes I have to force myself to stay outside for health. Sebastian is standing on the boardwalk. I dunno what it is, but I like being indoors. birthday), which will raise or lower Close. How'd you sleep last night? You're pregnant.”, “[name], we're going to have a baby soon.”, “Everything went well, and now little is part of the family. I couldn't sleep last night so I took a walk to the caves. Sebastian to buntowniczy samotnik, mieszkający w piwnicy rodziców. Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. I'll just be over here working on my bike for a while.”, “I often felt unappreciated at home...but here I feel like I really belong. farmers. Sure, she's smart and friendly, but don't they realize it's all just an attention-grabbing scam? A traditional spring flower that makes a nice gift. Never forget that I love you... you're everything to me. Mods. Maru and I always fought as kids.”, “I've had this recurring dream that [child] is wearing a shadow shaman costume and sitting on a glowing pumpkin. Sebastian Stardew Valley. I won't spoil it for you, but oh man...". Maybe I'll mellow out with age.”, “I know you're tough, but I still worry about you, sometimes. I want to have a future together.”, “Maybe a witch will visit us tonight? I felt comfortable there, but this is a lot more interesting. Sebastian lebt mit seiner Mutter Robin, seinem Stiefvater Demetrius und seiner Halbschwester Maru zusammen. Tell me what you thought of this heart event in the comments below. 187 10 5. matt. They also stand together at festivals, along with Abigail. Sebastian is kind of a shut in. Also read: Stardew Valley Abigail – Best Stardew Valley Abigail Guide. It seems ridiculous, but I have been thinking about it lately.”, “What's new? Stardew Valley Fanfic — How would Sebastian react when the baby comes? It's just... something new.”, “Maybe when is a little older, I'll get a sidecar for the bike and we can all go for a ride.”, “Have you smelled ? But it turns out that was just a romantic fantasy. I also filled [Pet]’s water bowl. friendship with you. Virus scan. Sebastian lives with his mother, Robin, along with his step-dad Demetrius and half-sister Maru. Gets out of bed and leaves house to go to, Standing at the end of long pier to the left of. Sebastian is a villager who lives in in The Mountains north of Pelican Town. Just don't poison anyone. I don't really have anything to say. To be precise, he lives north of pelican town just in the mountains. This event is a nice little peak into the other side of Sebastian, the non-basement dweller. แบ่งปันข้อมูลสำหรับผู้เริ่มเล่น และทริคต่างๆ ของเกม Stardew Valley (เน้น sebby นิดหน่อยจริงๆ) Who could it be? ), During the Flower Dance, when asked to be your dance partner, Day before the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies, Sebastian responds: "Oh yea? 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. stardewvalley stardew sebastian valley shane fanfiction harvey sdv sam maru abigail penny farming elliott alex concernedape farm pelicantown leah stardewvalleysebastian. He’s one of the twelve characters available in the game to marry. A spring-time berry with the flavor of the forest. If the player does not have a Rabbit's Foot in inventory, all bachelors will express anger about the player dating them all at one time. Safe to use . He takes out an umbrella and motions you to stand under it with him. You join him for a ride, and he brings you to a place he often goes by himself to think about his life while enjoying a view of the city. Fan Art: Sebastian Stardew Valley. You can respond to him here: Choosing the frog sanctuary option makes him enthusiastic about making a haven for frogs, while the latter option has him agree, but still wish the frog had a friend. He says he was about to go for a ride on his motorcycle. Also, different color slimes produce different items. Don't worry, I'll take good care of ! I feel more at home.”, “What's the point of going outside? Goes back into his room and to his computer. The view from our house is perfect. Thoughts on our how to unlock the Sebastian 14 Heart Event in Stardew Valley guide? He’s one of the twelve characters available in the game to marry. He and Sam are both a bit rebellious, but Sebastian's a bit quieter about it. He lives in the craftsman’s shop with his mother Robin, his stepsister Maru, and his stepfather Demetrius. He suggests the possibility of you one day taking a ride with him, to which you agree or disagree. Out of all the places you could live, you chose Pelican Town?”, (asked to be dance partner, refused request. ", https://stardewvalleywiki.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Sebastian&oldid=104235, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, “Sebastian is a rebellious loner who lives in his parents’ basement. You're the only person I need in my life. I'm just gonna hang out here for a while.”, “Hey, [Player]. But something stopped me. It feels great. Stardew Valley. Spoiler. Sebastian Stardew Valley. Do you ever have that problem, [Player]?”, “I'll just watch you from here. Explica que la motocicleta le pertenece y que a veces da largos viajes lejos de Stardew Valley. Product Details. Ele sente que Maru é tratada melhor que ele é, e durante o inverno fala sobre ter construído um ''snow-goon'' , que Demetrius mandou ele remover; ele então perguntará com raiva qual é o problema do seu padrasto. The game suggests that Sebastian may have had a crush on Abigail at some point, and, if married to Maru, she will tell the player that she wishes that "Sebastian would make a move on Abigail already.". Choosing this one causes Sebastian to be briefly annoyed; he says you sound like his mom, then admits that it's a bad habit and he'll try to stop. Go to The Mountain between 8pm and midnight. The classes don't affect friendship, and you can achieve a perfect score with any class: Go to the beach on a rainy day between noon and 11pm. Like her father, she is very invested in science and can be a bit more stoic. I'm planning to do a portrait of all the characters. Eventually we're going to sink.”, “What am I going to do today? Join. Standing at the end of the long pier to the left of, Arrives at the saloon, playing at the pool table with. It had a certain mystique to it, once. I still love you, though.”, “The older I get, the less I'm drawn to the city. Hah...if only life was that interesting...”, “Sorry, I didn't make any dinner. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life. In the Stardrop Saloon, playing pool with Sam. Il a lai… Sebastian Sebastian est bon ami avec Sam ; les deux peuvent être trouvés chez Sam ou au Saloon du fruit étoilé à jouer au billard. See more ideas about stardew valley, stardew valley fanart, valley. I'll see you in the evening.”, “Mom's face lit up when I walked in. This event will trigger only one time per save file. Again.. Another my favorite bachelor in Stardew Valley I hope you like it! "Ask him why he does not want to see his friends", "Wizard. * Turns Sebastian into a yandere who is obsessed with you! A crystal fabled to be the frozen tears of a yeti. Sebastian (Stardew Valley)/Reader; Sebastian (Stardew Valley)/Original Female Character(s) Sebastian & Player (Stardew Valley) Sebastian (Stardew Valley) Abigail (Stardew Valley) Sam (Stardew Valley) Female Player (Stardew Valley) Penny (Stardew Valley) Elliott (Stardew Valley) Leah (Stardew Valley) Haley (Stardew Valley) Emily (Stardew Valley) 6.4K likes. Gets out of bed and leaves house to go to the beach. Probably nothing.”, “Sam is probably my only friend in this town. I need to start slathering the sunscreen pretty thick if I want to maintain my pale complexion...”, “Have you thought about what you're going to put in the luau soup? Nonetheless, twice now he's entered the house while my character has... Wixenstyx; Thread; Jun 11, 2020; Replies: 4; Forum: Help & Bug Reports; Writing A Farm in the Forest. 1K Favourites. Is this some kind of joke?”. 45. It might be funny to put something disgusting in the potluck soup tomorrow. Sebastian é um bom amigo de Sam; Os dois podem ser encontrados na casa de Sam ou no Saloon Fruta Estrelar jogando sinuca. ryan. We used to be really good friends.”, “What are your plans this winter? birthday (Winter 10) will have 8× effect and show a unique dialogue.For loved or liked gifts, Sebastian will say, For disliked or hated gifts, Sebastian will say. I guess fall's finally here.”, “The Stardew Valley Fair is a little crowded for my tastes... but I'll just hang out with Sam. I hate wearing that ridiculous tight jumpsuit. Join Planet Minecraft! Good to see you. Favorite Gift(s) Well, did you read the new 'Cave Saga X'? Goes back to room and returns to his computer, Leaves his home and goes to the river east of his house to smoke, Leaves his home and goes to the railroad north of his house to smoke, Stands at the east tunnel of the railroad, Stands at the west tunnel of the railroad, Wakes up and goes over to Sam's house where they meet outside, south-east of Sam's home, Sebastian and Sam go inside of Sam's house and into his room to hang out, Sebastian and Sam leave and stand by the river outside of Sam's house while Sebastian smokes. I was starting to get bored. Sorry.”, “The temperature only starts to get comfortable at night.
2020 sebastian stardew valley