+65 6488 1160 / non-French speaking persons : +65 6805 0001. Home - Lycée International de Londres Winston Churchill, bilingual school in Wembley from 3 to 18 years old providing IBDP and French Baccalauréat Travailler, étudier, vivre à Singapour. Lunel. Lycée Français de Singapour Baccalauréat Economics, Mathematics, History and Geography 1ère Générale. Bon à savoir : il n’y a pas de salaire minimum “légal” comme en France. Come and discover our extensive campuses during a school tour presented either in French or in English. Full-time: 124. View Laetitia’s full profile. In primary school, children bring their water bottles and cannot play sports or go to recess in the sun if they do not wear hats. Permanence téléphonique. Oct 2010 – Aug 2011 11 months. Upcoming Events . Nov. 13. Register here April 7, 2017. 2006 – Present. Conseillère principale d'éducation Lycée Louis Feuillade. Cambridge Certificate of English Grade A. View Marc’s full … Still growing, the school has recently opened a second campus in Serangoon for Kindergarten and Primary school, and now has the … Si les salaires sont plus élevés à Singapour qu’en France, c’est aussi parce que le coût de la vie est plus important ! 3000 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 3, Singapore, 569928 Tel: +65 6488 1160 Fax: +65 6487 2821 Founded:1967 Proviseur: Mr Patrick Sucur Accreditations and affiliations: Ministry of National Education, France, AEFE Religious affiliation: Non-denominational Teaching languages: English, French. The staff also speak Spanish, Mandarin and Korean. Lecture : Chinese students in France at early twentieth century. French classes with Alliance Française; News & Events. Certified by the French Ministry of Education, the @ifssingapore – formerly known as Lycée Français de Singapour – delivers an affordable, premium multilingual education for international students aged 2 to 18. Join the Lycée Français de Singapour Open House to find out more about its Bilingual French-English Curriculum. Qualities required: dynamism, … Annual … Lycée Français de Singapour 3000 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 3, Singapore 569928 . Age Range & Fees. Sep 1999 – Aug 2004 5 years. Et une nouvelle fois, les élèves du Lycée Français de Singapour ont obtenu un taux de réussite de 100% au baccalauréat français Après avoir profité de leur dernière année de LFS pour préparer le baccalauréat, 134 élèves de Terminale ont […] En savoir plus. Travailler au lycée français de Singapour. Teaching as a performance: How one teacher stays connected to his class Lycée français de Düsseldorf. 2020-2021 school supplies; Home; About. The AF2ECT’s main project is the creation of a new International French School in Taipei (Lycée International Français de Taipei, or LIFT). document pdf - Lycée Français de Singapour. This beautiful house is bright with good size rooms and outdoor patio/garden space. What are the Lycée Français de Singapour’s best practices in terms of student health? Signature of a research agreement between our lab and pickcell during the Singapore/France innovation days . Syndrome Pied Main Bouche à Singapour Situation au 20 Mai 2008 Avant-propos • Toutes les informations données ici sur Singapour sont celles du MOH • En italique et entre crochets figurent des précisions ou explications complémentaires non données par le MOH. Read all news. It is located in the heart of Serangoon Gardens, easy access to shops, supermarket and amenities. News. The International French School (IFS) is a private institution under Singaporean law, approved by the French Ministry of Education. Boys : Girls: 865: Day: 795: 0: Full Board: 0: 0: Weekly: 0: 865: Total: 795: Number of Staff . Everyone in red for the World Aids Day. Il est le fils d’un chef de tribu. A number of donations from French companies enabled the school to move to a large, modern campus in Ang Mo Kio in the 1990s. SECRÉTAIRE D’INTENDANCE. King's College London Alumni. Miriam Maïri +49 211 610 795 10 … Water fountains are also available throughout the facility. At the Lycée, our community is united by their global outlook, embrace of cultural differences and belief in the power of a bilingual, international education to shape young minds. Age Range: 3 to 18: Annual Day Fees * 9541 to * 19751: Annual Weekly Boarding Fees * 0 to * 0: Annual Full Boarding Fees * 0 to * 0 *Currency: Number of Pupils. Virgile Viasnoff has been awarded an NRF investigatorship. Just 5 minutes walk to Lycée Français de Singapour! From humble beginnings in 1967, the Lycée Français de Singapour (French School of Singapore) has gone from strength to strength. Well done Zoomers! Club Zoom was invited to participate in the French School Athletics Competition on Saturday, 25 May 2019. 8:00 am - 5:00 pm . We sent a team of 15 kids and they did so well. Lycée Français de Singapour (LFS) - 3000 Ang Mo Kio Ave 3, Singapore 569928 Londres. Lycee Francais de Singapour IGCSE Economics, Mathematics and History/Geography/Political Sciences. Lycée Français de Singapour, View Your Favorites. Artist: Alexander Loo Title: The anger of a provoked snake Media: Pencil drawing Size: 29 x 39 Artist: Antoine Piquemal Title: Still life with vase Media: Acrylic paint and marker Size: 39 x59 Artist: Beatrice Coquilleau Title: Beady Eyed Media: Acrylic/pencil/pen Size: 29 x 39 Artist: Emilie Godet Title: Untitled Media: Aluminium sculpture Size: 15… Accéder au LFS - Rentrée 2014 - Blog. Lycée Français International de Hong Kong. Le système éducatif français est composé de 3 parties: la maternelle, l'école primaire et l'école secondaire (collège & lycée). Ambassadeurs en herbe; Events; School calendar; LCS newsletters; AEFE news; CAPN Sydney 2020; LCS French Christmas Market; LCS Alumni; Back-to-school . Visit of the Frederique Vidal, the french ministry of research to our lab. Conseillère principale d'éducation Lycee français Charles de Gaulle. Les actions d'Eco-Ecole et l'engagement du lycée pour l'environnement menés lors de l'année scolaire 2019-2020 ont été récompensés par le label Umweltschule in Europa/ Internationale Nachhaltigkeitsschule“ avec la mention 2 étoiles. 2018 - 2021. Serangoon Gardens is one of the oldest private housing estate in Singapore, it was built in the 1950's. Ce qu’il faut prendre en compte dans votre budget. Contactez-nous. L'article suivant vous donnera un aperçu complet du système éducatif français. Your donations support need-based financial aid, professional development, and classroom enhancements. See our comprehensive list of Property For Rent, near French School of Singapore (Lycée Français de Singapour) (LFS). "The facilities and quality of instruction are great." Lycée Français de Singapour, a school affiliated with the AEFE and with 3,000 students from kindergarten to high school, is recruiting for the start of the 2020-2021 academic year: – TEACHERS FOR THE PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL – ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHER – ENGLISH LITERATURE TEACHER – HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY TEACHER. Groups. Lycée Français de Singapour. ASSISTANTE DE LA PROVISEURE. 1st Prize Award Jacques Rougerie Foundation. Asian Tigers Singapore was happy to sponsor the popcorn in the major event of the year of the Lycée Française de Singapour School Fair! Sep 2004 – Aug 2010 6 years. A special thanks to all coaches and parents for their support and to Le Lycée Français de Singapour for organising and inviting us. Honors & Awards. Rather than significantly raising tuition each year, which would impact the ability of many families to stay at the Lycée, the school relies on all of our families, staff, grandparents and friends to make an annual, tax-deductible contribution commensurate with their ability. Pestcontrol is carried out once a week to neutralize mosquito and other tropical insect outbreaks. Nos Partenaires. See 8 photos and 2 tips from 337 visitors to Lycée Français de Singapour. publicité. Science Week at the Lycée Français de Singapour. EABJM /École Jeannine Manuel Alumni. Age Range. You will have the opportunity to meet teachers, find out about the school programs, and attend a school tour in French or in English. 1 December 2020. King's College London Alumni . As a member of the world’s LARGEST global network of international schools, the AEFE, it provides a hassle-free, transferrable programme to its 3,000 students and 67 nationalities. Virginie Betz +49 211 610 795 15 secretariat@lfdd.de. A community filled with # harmony and # cooperation.In the presence o... f H.E. Lycée Français de Singapour updated their cover photo. L'équipe de France de Rugby à 7 au Lycée Français de Singapour , Bonne chance pour le Singapore 7s qui débute demain #France7 ! It is bound by an agreement with the French State and it is part of the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE) network. November 15, 2018. Donc ne vous étonnez pas de voir des salaires très bas. 2007 – Present. Lycée Français de Singapour - Singapore French Lycée Economic and Social Sciences Baccalaureate european & magna cum laude distinctions. February 5, 2018. Age Range & Fees. Meet our teachers and discuss the school programme. Sept. 30, 2020. Add To Favorites. LIFT is not related to the Taipei European School (French Section), and neither does LIFT competes with it. emlyon business school alumni (Official) emlyon business school alumni (Official) EABJM /École Jeannine Manuel Alumni. The Lycée Français de New York is more than a school. Revue d’actualité réalisée par la classe de PFEG, Secondes du Lycée Français de Singapour Page 1 AFRIQUE du SUD Au Revoir Mandela! February 5, 2018. Nelson Mandela, dit Madiba, est né en 1918 dans le village de Mvezo. Lycée français de Singapour. 28 Nov. 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. (France): Open House of the Catholic University of Lille; 100% virtual online event; high school students; Qingpu; Yangpu; full program on pronote. It's a family, a home away from home. Lun - Ven : 08h-11h et 14h-16h. The program included singing and dancing by their talented students and… Fax: 00 65 6487 2821 School Details. Find listings with photos, videos, virtual-tour & more with PropertyGuru Singapore. View Nafissa’s full profile. 2019 - 2021. Come and join the Lycée Français de Singapour’s Open House to understand more about our French-English Bilingual Curriculum. This year, in the theme of Travels, it has taken the whole school to new horizons. 3 - 18. Coffee and light refreshments will be served.
2020 salaire lycée français singapour