Concernant les bancs : 2 poissons de banc dans le volume c'est très bien j'en rajouterai une douzaine de chaque maximum en revanche, 2*30 ça semble beaucoup (par rapport à la pollution générée). You could have no more than 3 Black Moors in that tank and expect them to … The surface of your aquarium is where oxygen diffuses into the water. Aquarium Fish Tank 12 inch 300L 150W 200H Aquarium Fish Tank 12 inch, 12" with lids 300L 150W 200H 12"L 6"W 8"H Holds approx 9 Litres Comes with lids Suitable for small fish, reptiles, turtles, amphibians Other sizes available - see other listings Pick up West Lakes Jai déjà un 120l et tout le vivant sera transféré lorsque le 300l sera en route. For example, a tall, narrow 29 gallon aquarium cannot maintain as many fish as a standard rectangular 29 gallon tank because less water surface contacts air. Bonjour, Je vais prochainement commencer un aquarium récifal de 300l (120x50x50) avec une décante externe. Salut, je vais être moins sévère qu'Hapisto 2 couples de Mikrogeophagus ramirezi dans un 300L c'est très bien, on pourrait même en mettre trois ! Stocking Suggestions For New 300l Tank. Now Blue Gourami has this mark on his back and worried that this could be an infection. Population pour 300L Archivé . No commons. The more surface area, the more easily oxygen diffuses, and therefore the more fish your aquarium will support. Bonjour a tous Je cherche une population d ecailles pour mon 300l reel. This could just be a place filler carpet. Aquarium Maintenance and Tank Population In addition to these concerns, the maintenance provided to the aquarium and the equipment can greatly influence the tank capacity. May 28, 2014 Aquarium Filters 101 (Overview) The water in an aquarium needs to be cleaned – filters provide you with an easy way to do this. Once the aquarium has evolved a bit and grown in more, especially with new additions, I may decide to go with glosso, UG, or even microsword instead.-Planning to add some new stock soon. In either case, always do your homework first and err … Hi all ... Leopard wrasse / Spotted Mandarin pair (either wont be introduced until a pod population is established) Clownfish pair Dispar Anthias x3 Flame Angel Any help is appreciated Thanks Daniel . Fish excrete a lot of waste as they swim. Oh, and I planted DHG all across the front. This needs to be removed before it decays. Excess food and other debris must be removed as well so the water quality in your aquarium doesn’t deteriorate. Ce sujet est désormais archivé et ne peut plus recevoir de nouvelles réponses. Is it? lorby Member. Nov 26, 2012 178 62. If the aquarium is a non-standard size, the surface area rule will work better than the standard one-inch rule. They need a much bigger tank, as they grow to some 18" long and quite heavy too. Je cherche a mettre que 2 ou 3 poissons mais des beaux poipois pas de clowns Enfin des … Aquariums: Filter was off for 3 days in my 300l tank, Ammonia and Nitrite were at 0.5ppm, did a 50% water change. - Flake Food I have lost the balance of aquarium due to this so i'm sorting out the algae.