2. Enraged by and jealous of their younger brother who obtained the affection of the goddess-princess of Inaba, the elder brothers schemed to kill Okuninushi. 4. After the second time, Okuninushi was able to escape to the underworld ruled by Susanoo. Sukukaja is a Support skill. Lovers. Posted by DoomSkull at 6:34 PM 2 comments: Email This BlogThis! Suseri-hime gave him a scarf, that when waved three times, would freeze the snakes, allowing Okuninushi to pass the night without incident. However, this was after Suseri-hime and Okuninushi tried to elope. Rank 2: Of course > The outdoors are overrated. log in sign up. Persona 5 Fusion Calculator Click here for the Royal version. Le rang 4 se débloque au niveau 25. 3 0 2. report. Okuninushi. When ite… Consort A statue of Okuninushi in Izumo. It is a 5 stars god monster which costs 20 units and it has 2 skills in Puzzle & Dragons. Sibling(s) ". Using the magical items lent by Susanoo, Okuninushi defeated all of his brothers in Izumo, allowing him to become ruler of the land. Toutes les infos du jeu Persona 4 disponible, sur PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Network et PC, de genre jeu de rôles, développé par Atlus et édité par NIS America. Default Persona Level: 44; Arcana: Emperor; Persona Location: Fusion Only; Persona Fusion: Mithras x Red Rider; Itemize Persona: Element. Unfortunately you can't keep it. Recipe. Andras apprend Tarukaja automatiquement au niveau 11. Posted by. Finally, Susanoo took him to a big field and shot an arrow, telling Okuninushi to retrieve it, before setting the field on fire. Okuninushi is a dark element monster. Persona 4 Fusion List Guide Sunday, August 5, 2012. Okuninushi is represented as young blonde 'bishonen' in Kamisama Hajimemashta; He appears in Noragami as a muscular middle-aged man with sunglasses. 4 comments. 100% Compendium Guide Before Start. u/AutoModerator. Family Caption They killed him twice, once with a smoldering boulder and once with a trap in the woods. Once there he falls in love with Susano-o's daughter Suseri-hime, which infuriates Susano-o and who puts Okuninushi through a series of trials, all of which he passes with Suseri-hime's help. Free Website Advertising. Persona 4 speedrun. Guide social link, Emperor Arcana : Kanji. Free Search Engine Submission. He was replaced with his Hebrew name, Helel, and his fallen form was moved to the Judgment Arcana in FES. His name literally translates to "Great Land-Owner" or "Great Land Master" and he was in charge of firming the land during creation. Ōkuninushi Keep playing the game. So every game I’ve played with him in it he learns the skill agidyne and it seems pretty consistent with him learning agidyne while other demons/persona’s skill set get change up per game is there anything with his mythology that says anything about fire or something like that? Okuninushi was the youngest sibling of 80 cruel brothers, all deities living in Izumo. Terrible creatures lurk in the dark, preying on those who stumble into the hidden hour ... Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. Please and thank you. C'est le sixième jeu de la série Persona1. But later in the second game play, you can create it. Priestess. save. All attribute cards ATK x4 when reaching 6 combos or above. Futsunushi is the ultimate Persona of the Magician Arcana and can only be obtained through fusion in the Velvet Room upon the completion of the Magician Confidant. Yagami-hime, Suseri-hime, Takiri-hime, Kamuyatate-hime, Totori Okuninushi … With the help of the dwarf god Sukunabiko, Okuninushi began to firm/form the land. Said to have built the country of Izumo with Susano-o's daughter, Suseri-Hime.". I was excited to play Legrand Legacy, the debut game of an Indonesian studio called Semisoft Studios. Genres : RPG > So you don't like your job? He is the first Persona to learn Ali Dance, one of four to learn Regenerate 3, and one of two to learn both Firm Stance and Brave Blade. The hare did as the brothers said, but instead of recovering, things worsened as its skin dried out and cracked, agitated further by salt from the seawater. Search this site "Maya" (Hermit) "Maya" is first available on April 29, afterwards on Sunday and holidays. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES. 80 elder brothers The following page contains the information on the Persona Okuninushi from Persona Question about okuninushi. I was excited … View code on GitHub. User account menu. After hearing the tale, Okuninushi told the hare to wash itself in the nearby fresh water river, then lay out fluff from the cattails and roll in it. Delay 1 turn to all enemies. Have all your fellow sharks line up one by one from here to Cape Keta, and I’ll count you. 3. Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor Overclocked Day 8th Amane Battle #4 FINAL Boss Okuninushi [NORMAL] Game Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor ; 2009; Category Gaming; Show more Show less. 3 years ago. Unable to stand the pain, the hare fell to the ground. 03 Mar 2015 20 Oct 2014 05 Mar 2019. May 3, 2018 ryan Games. A skilled private detective, Naoto is a refined, serious youth, with formal speech and body language,voiced by legendary voice actress Mary Elizabeth McGlynn. Un portage remasterisé et titré Persona 4 Golden est sorti sur PlayStation Vita le 14 jui… He told them "Let’s see which there are more of, you sharks or us rabbits. Before becoming the ruler of Izumo, Okuninushi and his brothers, eighty gods altogether, were all suitors seeking the hand of Princess Yakami (or Yagam… Persona 4, another in renown and award-winning Shin Megami Tensei series, is a riveting murder mystery RPG featuring an entirely new cast, action, and depth. is one of the Kunitsuand former ruler of Izumo, until Ninigi took over. The skill calls Virtuous Foundation. When Takemikazuchi descended heaven with the command to pacify and unify the Central Land of Reed Plains, Okuninushi transferred his power over to Niningi, the grandson of Amaterasu. Sashikuni-waka-hime (mother), Ameno-Fuyugino (father) Moderator of r/Megaten Archived. Just before it leapt to the mainland, it boasted about tricking the sharks, so the final shark bit off the rabbit's fur. After Suseri-hime became his wife, Okuninushi and the dwarf deity Sukuna Hikona began building the world. "A Kunitsu deity of Japanese mythology that governs agriculture and medicine. First, he was told to sleep in a room full of snakes. The leader skill calls Divine Connection. The mouse also helped him find the arrow and he returned it to Susanoo. The rabbit told its story. Persona 5 Royal Fusion Calculator Click here for the normal (non-royal) version. Important Information . Fuse: Izanagi, Sandman, Nata Taishi, Grimehkala, Norn, Okuninushi, Orthrus, Kartikeya, Mithra, Tzitzimitl, Cu Chulain and Legion. A guide on how to fuse the Protagonist’s ultimate Persona, Izanagi-No-Okami in Persona 4 Golden. I mean, it's not an accessible persona in the new game play. There are thousands of personas and millions of ways to fuse the same persona. As the sharks lined up, the hare jumped from shark to shark, counting each one. This Persona 4 Golden Kanji Build Guide will teach you which skills are worth keeping on Kanji and which you should forget in Persona 4 Golden. It increases 1 ally's Hit/Evasion rate for 3 turns. Naoto Shirogane is a playable character in Persona 4. If you’re playing Persona 4 Golden, now available on . Orpheus. That’s because the persona Futsunushi is a requirement to create Yoshitsune, and you need your Magician confidant at rank 10 before it becomes available. Kevx15104,789. Set in postapocalyptic Tokyo, Japan, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne takes you to a world where nearly the … Okuninushi in the process of handing over the land. The two together formulated the arts of medicine, means of controlling disasters caused by birds and insects and became close friends. Rank 1: Automatic. Its default level is 41. Suseri-hime again came to help him, giving him red clay and berries, which he chewed together and spat out, causing Susanoo to think it was the centipedes he was chewing and spitting out. Soluce de Persona 4 : The Golden sur PS-Vita. Despite being highly acclaimed by critics both in Japan and in the West, Persona 4 remains somewhat of a niche title and this more or less transfers to the anime adaptation too. r/Megaten. Lying on the ground, that was where he met the large group of gods who's advice had made things worse. est un jeu de rôle développé et édité par Atlus (publié en France par Square Enix Europe, en Australie par Ubisoft et au Japon comme en Amérique du Nord par Atlus). This 100% Compendium guide will help you on how to fuse every persona in Persona 4 Golden. In gratitude the hare gave a prophecy that Yagami-hime would chose Okuninushi over all of his brothers. Series. Oukuninushi | Persona 4 Wiki | Fandom. Okuninushi 44 Suzaku 51 Byakko 56, 57 Yurlungur** 64 ... Teddie from Persona 4 is associated with this arcana. Okuninushi is a playable monster in Puzzles & Dragons; Also called by other names, Okuninushi is a demon in the Shin Megami Tensei series (which includes the Persona games) Gallery. Persona 4, another in renown and award-winning Shin Megami Tensei series, is a riveting murder mystery RPG featuring an entirely new cast, action, and depth. Games You May Like. Okuninushi and the White Hare of Inaba View code on GitHub. 1 guide. Said to have built the country of Izumo with Susano-o's daughter, Suseri-Hime." Compendium Info Oukuninushi (オオクニヌシ, Ookuninushi) is a Level 41 Persona of the Emperor Arcana. In compensation, he was made ruler of the unseen realm of spirits and magic. Apsaras. So coming up with an idea, he challenged the sharks surrounding the island. Fortunately, during the trials Susanoo had grown fond of Okuninushi, and so instead of catching them he let them go. The Power of Truth trophy in Persona 4 Golden (Vita) The Power of Truth. 5: Ame-no-Uzume avec Dodge Psy: Okuninushi et Sadame fusionnent et Arsene et Norn fusionnent. Okuninushi's profile in Persona 4 Golden. The following requirements must be met first before you can fuse this Persona: - Get the true ending. Ōkuninushi (Japanese:大国主) was a famous hero and one of the more personable gods as part of the Japanese Izumo mythology. Recognizing the invitation into the mouse's home, Okuninushi stomped on the hole where a large burrow opened up and he was able to wait out the fire. Okuninushi can be found during shuffle time in the Secret Laboratory dungeon or by fusion. About to succumb to the flames, a mouse ran up to him and told him that the "Once inside, it’s big and hollow, but the entrance is narrow and tight." Her father, Susanoo, however, did not approve of the relationship and so decided to test the young man. For Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable on the PSP, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "What Personas Should I fuse to get Oukuninushi? LV. Arcana. On the way to Inaba, the large group of brothers came across a suffering fur-less hare, and decided to play a prank on it. After fleeing to the underworld Ne no Kuni, Okuninushi met and fell in love with Suseri-hime. Game Review – Legrand Legacy . P3P Persona Fusion List by Level If you would could you click on the advertisement on this page, it helps me out and all you have to do is click on it. Lucifer was the ultimate Persona for the Star Arcana in Persona 3. It costs 12SP to use. Rank 3: Oh really? For this he was given rulership of magic and the unseen, where he then moved to the land of darkness, the underworld. Also Known As: Persona 4 (JP, KO) Franchises: Persona, Shin Megami Tensei; 90. Yoshitsune is a fairly late-game fusion, and there’s no getting around that. Still not completely unsatisfied, Susanoo then told Okuninushi to pick the lice out of his hair. Hearing of the beautiful goddess Yagami-hime in the land of Inaba, every one of the brothers decided to try and woo her. Persona 3 and FES . Hi there! Games . Then taking the sleeping god's sword, harp, and bow and arrows, Okuninushi and Suseri-hime fled together. They advised it to bathe in seawater, then stand on top of a high peak and let the winds and sun dry it, telling the hare this would help it recover more quickly. Search Engine PlacementSubmit Express Search Engine Submission - AddMe SES by business degree online promotion team. P3P Persona Fusion List by Level. Second, he was to stay in a room full of wasps and centipedes. Le jeu est sorti au Japon en premier le 10 juillet 2008, puis en Corée le 31 octobre 2008, aux États-Unis le 9 décembre 2008. et enfin en Europe le 13 mars 2009. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Share to … Doing so, the rabbit's pain was soothed and and it soon completely healed. Parents Kimata, Ajisukitakahikone, Taka-hime/Shitateru-hime, Kotoshironushi, Torinarumi. Create Izanagi-no-Okami-0.1. FO-Slime + FO-Legion. Formerly known as Onamuchi, Okuninushi (大国主, Oukuninushi)? Okuninushi-no-Mikoto, Lord of the Central Land of Reed Plains When Okuninushi finally arrived where his brother's were, the princess told the elder brothers that she would have nothing to do with any of them, but would marry Okuninushi. Persona Compendium. For this a shrine was built in Izumo for Okuninushi. He's said to be the god of nation-building, business and medicine. Rank 4: Why don't we get married? Persona 3 FES Social Links. Persona 4 is one of the best video games that I have had the chance to play. Persona Stats We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Then we’ll know for sure which group is bigger." However, rather than lice Okuninushi found many centipedes. Trailing behind his brothers, when Okuninushi found the crying rabbit he asked it what had happened. Games from the main series Shin Megami Tensei, Persona, Devil Summoner … Press J to jump to the feed. Thank you Ina (leopah) for beta-ing me <3 Happy birthday Anna (shadownightes.tumblr.com)! Close. Provided by the online degree and distance learning technology group. Again he was helped by Suseri-hime with a scarf that worked in the same way as the first. Okuninushi; Tsuyu (Noragami) Fujisaki Kouto; Iki Hiyori; Bishamonten | Vaisravana (Noragami) Kazuma (Noragami) Yukine (Noragami) Summary. Digital Demon Day - Okuninushi - September 14, 2016. Video Games. 5. Part 46 of In The Darkness; Language: English Words: 4,767 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 11 Kudos: 47 Bookmarks: 2 … Children Sashikuni-waka-hime (mother), Ameno-Fuyugino (father), Yagami-hime, Suseri-hime, Takiri-hime, Kamuyatate-hime, Totori, Kimata, Ajisukitakahikone, Taka-hime/Shitateru-hime, Kotoshironushi, Torinarumi, Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, http://www.japanesemythology.jp/okuninushi/2.html, https://japanesemythology.wordpress.com/1674-2/, https://thekojiki.wordpress.com/2016/12/27/shinto-iconography-2-okuninushi/, http://www.interq.or.jp/www-user/fuushi/b-eng/e-myth-7.htm, https://mythology.wikia.org/wiki/Ōkuninushi?oldid=109550, In some versions, the hare reveals itself as a god, and this god is, Ajisukitakahikone and the younger sister Taka-hime/Shitateru-hime born from the goddess Takiri-hime, Kotoshironushi with the goddess Kamuyatate-hime, Okuninushi is represented as young blonde 'bishonen' in. Bringing along Okuninushi in order to carry all their luggage, he soon lagged behind his brothers from the burden. It specializes in the Electric element. Pixie. But when the harp knocked against a tree. share. Eventually falling asleep, Okuninushi then tied Susanoo's hair to the rafters of the house and blocked the door with a boulder. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 (ペルソナ4, Perusona 4?) Along with his friend the dwarf god they also developed medicine and managed to decrease the destructiveness of birds and insects. 5. What I mean by 'not accessible', it will not appear in the compendium. Susanoo awoke and his house fell around him, before he chased the couple all the way to the entrance to the underworld. hide . Originally from the island of Oki, the hare had wanted to travel to the mainland but was unable to do so on his own. Expert, True Ending -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/furrywulfz Oukuninushi is a Persona of the Emperor arcana. Language, Violence, Alcohol Reference, Partial Nudity, Sexual Themes, Animated Blood, Presented by Immortals Fenyx Rising Stadia, The Best Nintendo Switch Cyber Monday Deals, Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 Golden Wiki Guide, Quest 11: I Wish My Life Had Meaning Again, Quest 12: I Wish I Was Better at Speaking, Quest 25: 100 Percent Inaba-Grown Cabbage, Quest 40: Acquire Some Fashionable Dishes, Quest 44: Extracurricular Activities, Part 2, Quest 53: Experiments in Telepathy, Part 2, Quest 56: The Girl on the Rooftop, Part 2, Quest 62: Extracurricular Activities, Part 3, Quest 67: Dazzle Me With Animal Paw Gloves, Quest 68: Kashiwagi's Special Lesson, Part 2, Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You. How to Fuse Izanagi-No-Okami (Protagonist’s Ultimate Persona)? 100% Upvoted. You can talk to her by going on the laptop in your room. In Shintoism, Okuninushi-no-Mikoto is considered the god of the earth and the underworld, as well as of relationships, nation-building, commerce, medicine, and agriculture. He was known as the Lord of the Central Land of Reed Plains (another name for Japan). The ad is hosted by adsense. A descendant of Susanoo, Okuninushi had multiple wives and according to an "alternate writing" he had around 181 children. What awaits Yato and Suzuha in the graveyard? Welcome to my guide on how to fuse Izanagi-No-Okami, one of the most powerful Personas in the game! The fuse system is one of the ways to strenght our hero along the story. Dark attribute ATK x1.5 for 1 turn. How to unlock the The Power of Truth trophy. LV-Alp + LV-Narcissus. Both times he was killed, Okuninushi was revived by his mother Sashikuni-waka-hime, a clam goddess. Instead he told Okuninushi to take his tools to the surface and defeat his brothers, then build a palace for Suseri-hime that would reach the heavens. Fool. He is also known as Ōmononushi (大物主神) or Onamuchi, and the amiable Daikoku/Daikokuten of the Seven Lucky Gods is considered his counterpart (as their names have a similar reading). Name. 1. FO-Orpheus + LV-Pixie. "A Kunitsu deity of Japanese mythology that governs agriculture and medicine.