This is a new digital revolution. Using them efficiently in your daily business is another. Strategic marketing on search engines implies having a good command of a series of key variables that interact with the search algorithms of Search Engines. Can we give software the ultimate decision to start a nuclear war? Executive Master Business Development, Marketing & Digital Strategy Management “The program was a turning point in my professional development. A Role Playing activity is planned within the context of the final project. Being aware of big data, e-commerce and social media is one thing. General Manager for Europe at Vindico Group, B.A. The people who pass the programme evaluation and comply with the academic requirements, established by the University of Barcelona (UB), will receive a UB qualification. They are one of the main tools used to raise awareness, so it is essential to understand how they work and to know the techniques required to achieve the best position possible in their rankings. Le rythme de l’alternance est de 2 semaines entreprise / 1 semaine Ecole. While it took the radio thirty-eight years to reach an audience of fifty-million people, and TV took thirteen years, the Internet achieved the same figure in just four years. o Three Points S.L.U. Foundations of Digital Marketing and Electronic Commerce. These companies conduct their activities in the sectors of publishing, training, culture, leisure, collecting, textiles, private insurance, mass market and jewellery sectors. Any such claims can be presented to this authority via any of the channels offered at the electronic headquarters of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, Ability to find, analyse and interpret data, and turn them into relevant information for the decision-making process, Knowing how to structure a business model in relation to electronic commerce, Thorough knowledge of the main techniques and channels for gaining, attracting and building loyalty with users, Understanding the new digital communication paradigm, Understanding and familiarising yourself with the most relevant aspects (on site and off site) of the design of transactional websites, Different models for potential monetisation. A âseriousâ game will challenge you to present a comprehensive digital marketing strategy based on the teaching indeed 8 modules. is the centrepiece of a new solution-price-sale strategy in Marketing 4.0. Préparés dans les grandes écoles de commerce ou d’ingénieur, les mastères spécialisés (MS) sont des formations post-bac+4/+5 qui peuvent être suivies aussi en alternance. For the first time in history, we can finalise a transaction within the same communication media: this is what we call electronic commerce. The main objective of this subject is to introduce you to the basic concepts of logistics, its functions, customer service, fulfilment with electronic commerce and online payment methods. More concretely, you will use Design Thinking to delve into the hearts and minds of your target audience and ideate and prototype a new conversation-driven brand experience. Understanding and assimilating conversion flows and the professional and personal skills specific to entrepreneurs. Il apporte une vision actuelle et globale de lâévolution de lâentreprise 2.0. ESEM - Higher School Marketing Studies. Master the ever-changing paradigm and pioneer the future of marketing. It will also help to familiarize the participants with various marketing applications and uses of data science. The submission of an end-of-programme paper, which needs to be positively evaluated by the jury members. The interaction between participants is key to the understanding of falls and tips, but is also a great business opportunity. Both the personal data provided and the data obtained from your browsing and consumption habits, and the commercial profile obtained therefrom, shall be kept as long as you do not request their deletion or withdrawal. Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Jai choisi la voie de lalternance afin detre mieux prepare au metier de chargee de web marketing. The format is based on active learning. • Know the basic concepts of customer management, CRM and customer loyalty. Therefore, in the event that you do not provide this data, we will be unable to maintain these relations. The speed at which new technologies have been adapted has no historical precedent. Issues which could be addressed include the following : When will a robot become a living being or capable of conscious thought? New paradigms are required to succeed in these sectors. Will we ever see the day when permission to smoke in a restaurant will be negotiated between people on the principle of polluter-payer? We bear witness to the appearance of new mass-communication media, which allow us to communicate in every direction in a highly efficient manner, in real time while removing all geographical boundaries. The multicultural country is home to the Financial Centre, to European Union … In this first module, you will (re)discover the fundamentals of marketing and reinforce your skills to maximize value. The best guest lecturers will bring you real cases as they did it. Beaucoup d'entreprises proposent des postes en alternance, qu'il s'agisse d'offres en contrat d'apprentissage ou de contrats de professionnalisation.Pour faire une recherche de contrat alternance il vous suffit de cliquer sur « type de contrat » et de choisir alternance. By stating the benefits relative to the price (value tag) rather than placing the emphasis on the link between price and production costs, profit margins or price of the competition (price tag). o Three Points S.L.U. As a participant you are expected to share your experience with your peers. It is a new sales and communication channel that is growing thanks to the increase in internet access, mobile devices and new habits of demand. Vous pouvez voir un autre élément de cette galerie de 83 Lettre De Motivation Alternance … In order to obtain a UB qualification, you need to have a University Degree (Engineer’s Degree, Bachelor’s Degree over four years or Bachelor’s Degree over three years). In this module we will consider the following in the context of a digital world: - How to build a communication strategy and organize the communications channels (model: Owned Shared Earned Paid). We start from a Dissemination context (“traditional marketing”), passing through an Interaction context (“digital marketing”) and finally arrive at a Participation context (“Social Media marketing”). ” of this Privacy Policy. The Executive Master in Digital Marketing and Communication course offers immediate answers to your questions, as well as practical exercises and group tasks during the sessions. Marketing and Sales Management, Master in In addition to the themed modules from the master’s structure, as part of the programmes within the digital area at OBS you will participate in a series of webconferences alongside renowned companies from the technological and digital economics sectors. MasterDigital is a leading provider of CD mastering, audio restoration and audio preservation services worldwide. Neuromarketing and Market Research, Avda. strategy and in the context of âvalueâ. It covers all aspects of digital marketing and communication. How to develop a global marketing strategy in a digital world. Dans cet environnement en constante évolution, le Mastère Spécialisé® Marketing Management & Digital … And in order to achieve professional success in this sector, a set of skills and abilities must be acquired to conceptualise, implement and manage a business based on electronic commerce. In this module you will look at aspects related to the basic concepts of digital economics and the main elements that allow professionals to effectively interact within this new competitive context. Internship and Thesis. The MSc in Marketing Management and Digital - Thrive as a modern marketer Designed for marketers and digital specialists in this age of complexity, the ESSEC MSc in Marketing Management and Digital will enable you to acquire the concepts and tools of marketing and digital … And, as a consequence, new advertising models. Top 100 - Global Ranking Ranked N 45 in E-Business and Digital Marketing, Worldwide. The MBA in Digital Marketing Strategy is the formula for success to help you to find your job in this connected digital world. The Master’s Degree in Digital Marketing and Electronic Commerce teached in Spanish will provide you with the training you need to drive your career in this field by becoming an expert in online marketing. Cycle Master Marketing & Digital Business en alternance LYON, Lyon. Buzz Marketing or how impact upon the image of my products and services through new media. All students must be able to take full advantage of this learning experience, through a context in which it is possible to develop lasting connections with fellow students, teachers and the alumni. o Three Points S.L.U. o Three Points S.L.U. What do experimental economic experiences that economics students engage in, tell us about human nature? Prof. Yannis Velegrakis is a faculty member in the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Trento, director of the Data Management Group, head of the Data and Knowledge Management Research Program, and coordinator of its EIT Digital Master… University The University of Luxembourg is a multilingual, international research university in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. we are processing personal data that concerns them. Conceiving your marketing and communication strategy, Creating and activating your communication campaign, Testing your marketing and communication strategy. You will develop your own global marketing strategy in a digital world. A short-duration programme offering rapid and highly pragmatic assimilation of the basics of management. > Measurement of results. The mutation of marketing has had far-reaching effects over the last 20 years. Communication & Digital Marketing for Fashion students follow the first-year course in Fashion & Luxury Management master… This appearance of new competitors has forced traditional retail companies to establish a presence in the digital world. Professeur, Sandra Rothenberger
This first lecture will introduce the basic concepts of data science, data mining, the importance of understanding data science, as well as data engineering and processing, big data, data-driven decision-making, data-science-capability as a strategic asset and the data scientist as a new role. The module is based on interactive lectures, pre-readings and case studies.Â. The programme is divided into ten modules plus a cross-disciplinary final project that includes a role playing activity. Technology development and marketing: what does the future hold? Under certain circumstances and for reasons related to their specific situation, the interested parties can oppose the processing of their data. Programme Director Master in Marketing Online. EAE Institución Superior de Formación Universitaria, S.L. The Executive Master in Digital Marketing and Communication is a unique 18-day training course. , Post office box 221 of Barcelona or by email to DAY 2Programmatic communications- Traditional vs. Programmatic- Technology (DSP, DMP, SSP, etc. They are organised quarterly and are a perfect opportunity to share the development experience of a startup first-hand with its members. Afin de mener à bien mon projet professionnel, je souhaite approfondir mes connaissances dans le domaine du digital. The stages of the admissions process are as follows: Master’s Degree in Digital Marketing and Electronic Commerce Certificate. Today, entrepreneurial initiative must be in the DNA of any business that aims to grow, diversify and expand, otherwise the market will not hesitate to “swallow it whole”. You will also deepen your knowledge of different aspects of trading, performance and searches. The latest information confirms the downward trend in the sales of desktop computers and laptops in favour mobile devices. In this module, you will better understand how to provide information relevant to customersâ specific needs at each point in the purchase cycle. This module is based on active learning. For this purpose, these companies will, in turn, create their own commercial profile with the aforementioned data and profiles, as well as any other data and profiles related to you that they may already have or obtain, all in order to ensure that the communications set to you are of interest to you as they will be aligned to your tastes, consumption and browsing habits, and commercial preferences. The legal basis for processing your personal data is to execute and maintain our relations with you, as well as the consent that, if applicable, you have given for any further processing in the form of sending our own or third-party commercial communications, creating commercial profiles and transferring this data and profile, to the rest of the companies that form part of Grupo Planeta, Only in the event that you give us your consent to this effect, your personal data and, if applicable, your commercial profile will be communicated, to the rest of the companies that form part of Grupo Planeta for the purposes specified in the section “, of this Privacy Policy. : Data Protection Manager, Avda. Le digital bouleverse la société dans son ensemble : les métiers et les pratiques dans le domaine du marketing n’y font pas exception. The course will comprise theory, cases, sharing of best-practices and an external speaker. The Executive Master in Digital Marketing and Communication gives immediate answers to your questions, as well as practical exercises and group work tasks during the sessions. Today, the amount of data produced by prospects and customers engaging with marketing channels provides new opportunities for marketers to leverage more effective, targeted and personalized campaigns, track customer journeys, improve customer segmentation and predict their behaviour. Master in Which recipients will your data be communicated to? The day will end with an open discussion on the participantsâ learnings and on an evaluation of the 3 days. The MSc Digital Marketing & E-business aims to train talents ready to drive and support the digital transformation of companies or integrate a «pure player» to further expand its business. Interested parties can exercise these rights and the withdrawal of their consents, if applicable, at any time by sending written notification to EAE Institución Superior de Formación Universitaria, S.L. Social Media Plan. Executive Master in Digital Marketing and Communication, Je suis un professeur/membre du personnel, Executive Programme in Enterprise Risk Management, Executive Programme en Management et Philosophies, IT & Information Security Management Education, Executive Programme in Information Security Management, Programme in European Data Protection (GDPR), Executive Programme in Business Analytics, Executive Programme en Transformation Digitale, Executive Master in International Association Management, Executive Master en Management des Institutions de Santé et de Soins, Advanced Master in Innovation & Strategic Management, Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management, The 4 Vâs Methodology to build a Profitable Ecosystem, Market Intelligence (External / Internal Environments), Customer Centricity â Customer Insights â Needsâ Discovery, Brand Equity â Branding - Brand Architecture, Major developments in Marketing and Perception of AI.
2020 master digital alternance