We'll have the ceremony in 3 days, okay?”, “Can you believe we're about to move in together? Stardew Valley Mok - Emily Stardew Valley Karakter Gift - Koffie mokken Stardew Valley Emily Tea Cup Perfect voor het drinken van uw dagelijkse koffie of kopje thee in uw keuken bij het ontbijt, op kantoor of net voor het slapen gaan, brengt een beetje vreugde en humor aan uw pauzes als u een After completing the quest and waiting 3 days, enter the farmhouse between 8pm and midnight. Emily's look evolved over the years the game was in development. July 27, 2019. Emily vive con su hermana Haley, en la casa de sus padres que han estado de viaje los últimos años. Regardless of the player's dialogue choice(s), all bachelorettes will decide to give the player the "cold shoulder" for about a week after the event. It won't be easy. Emily is a villager who lives in Pelican Town. (Ella es una de las 6 solteras, que junto a los 6 solteros, forman 12 personajes en total disponibles para contraer matrimonio). Maybe I should ask Demetrius.”, “If I wasn't so busy I'd help you dig around in that cave by the lake. the png files were spliced with three other mods’ png files. 12:00 PM : Leaves room and stay in living room, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Cloth, Emerald, Jade, Ruby, Survival Burger, Topaz, Wool, Apple, Apricot, Beer, Blackberry Cobbler, Blue Jazz, Blueberry Tart, Bok Choy, Cheese, Chocolate Cake, Chowder, Coffee, Cookie, Corn, Cranberry Sauce, Crocus, Daffodil, Diamond, Earth Crystal, Eggplant, Fire Quartz, Frozen Tear, Green Bean, Jelly (Blackberry, Blueberry, Hot Pepper, Salmonberry), Juice (Tomato), Maple Syrup, Mayonnaise (All), Pale Ale, Parsnip, Pickles (Corn, Green Bean, Parsnip, Tomato), Pizza, Potato, Quartz, Salad, Spaghetti, Summer Spangle, Sunflower, Sweet Pea, Tomato, Trout Soup, Tulip, Wild Honey, Wine (Blackberry, Hot Pepper, Strawberry), All Eggs (Except Void), Blackberry, Blueberry, Bread, Cactus Fruit, Clam, Coconut, Common Mushroom, Coral, Dandelion, Grape, Hops, Hot Pepper, Leek, Milk, Rainbow Shell, Snow Yam, Spice Berry, Strawberry, Wild Horseradish, Hazelnut, Albacore, Anchovy, Baryte, Bream, Cave Carrot, Clay, Celestine, Cockle, Crayfish, Fiber, Field Snack, Fire Opal, Fried Eel, Gold Bar, Hardwood, Herring, Ice Cream, Jamborite, Petrified Slime, Refined Quartz, Rice Pudding, Salmonberry, Sap, Snail, Spicy Eel, Spring Onion, Stone, Void Egg, Bat Wing, Copper Ore, Green Algae, Holly, Joja Cola, Maki Roll, Mayonnaise, Poppy, Salmon Dinner, Sashimi, Seaweed, Sea Urchin, Strange Bun. I.e. Stardew Valley is an open-ended country-life RPG! Sie arbeitet in der "Kneipe zum Sternenfall". but that's cuz I am in the same boat. Ah well. "That was embarrassing..." -50 friendship points. Survival Burger7. The shell is beautiful! You’ve inherited your grandfather’s old farm plot in Stardew Valley. She is also good friends with Sandy from the Calico Desert. You will surely agree that playing Stardew Valley Mods is a fabulous way to spend your free time. farmers. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Emily/Female Player (Stardew Valley) Emily (Stardew Valley) Female Player (Stardew Valley) Shane (Stardew Valley) advertisement. Wool. Eerie, isn't it? For us, it only barely peeks through the noise of modern life.”, “I can't help but think of all the poor, frozen squirrels out there right now.”, “*sigh*... Why does there have to be war and hatred in the world?”, “On a day like this, I have a craving for cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, and cardamom.”. He makes some indirect remarks about it and leaves. This little yam was hiding beneath the snow. You're going to love it here in Pelican Town. I am dating both Abby and Emily and am having the same problem. I'm feeling a positive energy from this gift.”. Emily will give you a new outfit consisting of Emily's Magic Hat, Emily's Magic Boots, Emily's Magic Shirt, and a pair of matching blue Genie Pants. "That was amazing!" It's a hassle to keep it clean. Ella vive junto a su hermana Haley en Camino del Sauce 2, que está al lado de la casa de Jodi y Klent. You must be getting very good at farming by now, huh?”, “I bet you're an excellent farmer by now!”, “Haley and I aren't made for such a big house. I actually prefer jewel tones, myself. ". Stardew Valley. He gets lonely working in his shop all day. Can you believe it?”, “Have you figured out what you're going to use for our grange display tomorrow?”, “Our bodies are naturally in tune with the seasons. He told me that he's happy here.”, “I never told you this... but when you first moved here I had a dream about you. Image Link: A traditional spring flower that makes a nice gift. You will need an Steel Axe for that, very important! He's a nice guy, if you get to know him. 9 0 It's Emily from Stardew Valley! ", "Do you know how to cook "Bean Hotpot"? She invites you for a camping in the secret woods. That's fine with me. A fourth parrot flys in too low and smacks against the window of her house. animedrawing dreamscape animedigitalart stardew stardewvalley stardew_valley stardew_valley_fan_art stardewvalleyemily stardewvalleyoc. Community Center Blues. This is a redesign for Emily that incorporates three other mods with the Seasonal Outfits mod as the baseline. Organization for Transformative Works. I'm ready to give you a second chance. I was wondering when you'd finally roll out of bed! Her birthday will be on 27th, spring. There's so much out there, I can't stay a barmaid forever.”, “Haley and I get along much better now that she's moved out. There is no need to say that Stardew Valley Mods is a great way to spend your leisure time. This article contains information from the pre-release development of Stardew Valley. #4. Emily is the sister of Haley, both of whom live in the house at the southwest corner of town. ", "Haley and I aren't made for such a big house. You have three choices: This event was formerly Emily's four heart event, it was changed in version 1.1. Replaces Emily's sprite and portrait with ones that make her look like Ruby from the web-series RWBY, more specifically her volume one design. After he is gone, Emily approaches you with romantic interest. Emily is a villager who lives in Pelican Town. Who made this? She's an aspiring tailor, and tells the player that she makes her own clothes. I can sew that up for you, no problem.”, “Welcome home, [Player]. 0. Maybe you've heard their cries?”, “Want some dessert? Az otthona a városközponttól délre található, Jodié mellett, a Fűzfa Köz 2 cím alatt. The main way to develop friendships in Stardew Valley is to give people gifts and they will like you more. (Multiplayer isn't supported on mobile). Jade5. Can you learn to live off the land and turn these overgrown fields into a … Requested by @stardustpadawans! You look a little soggy.”, “My day was very peaceful. The first image is of Emily from Stardew Valley. She works with Gus, who employs her part-time at the saloon. She works part-time at the Stardrop Salon. She is one of the twelve characters available to marry. You just focus on the farm!”, “This is so fun to live together! Emily on the Stardew Valley Wiki References Edit ↑ Image retrieved from the Stardew Valley Wiki. *Note that Dinosaur Eggs are considered Artifacts and not Eggs for gifting purposes. If you are a male character in the game, then you will have a lot of reasons to love her.Such as she is charming, fashionable, always energetic and works very hard at Stardrop Saloon for Gus to make ends meet. She's the female equivalent of Shane. the png … Emily Stardew valley girl to whom you can impress if you have fallen in love with her. Favorite Gifts It's hard to find someone who doesn't like this. You can turn their wool into beautiful bolts of cloth!#$e#You'll need a loom, though. Don't they get hit by the raindrops?”, “A day like this is a blessing from mother nature.”, “I meant to let the parrot go free, but his wing never fully healed. It's a hassle to keep it clean. It's a dreamscape of abstract shapes and colors, clouds, and palm trees. Emily will give you a new outfit consisting of Emily's Magic Hat, Emily's Magic Boots, Emily's Magic Shirt, and a pair of matching blue Genie Pants. It's so hard to cook for her.”, “Eating healthy is very important to me. If you ever go there stop in and say hi for me. Clint Once married, Emily will move into the farmhouse. The valley's ecosystem is fragile! 12. Time to plant some new crops, huh?”, “It's good weather for a picnic, isn't it?”, “Hi [Player]! I like that dish quite a bit. Trabaja en el Salón Fruta Estelar junto a Gus. Emily. Emily Stardew Valley. 04:00 PM : Stop exercise class, walks over to the saloon to work. Can you learn to live off the land and turn these overgrown fields into a thriving home? Stardew Valley Farms Recent Anime Cute Girls Cool Girl Valley Game Castle Crashers Fallen … Who made this?”, “[Player]! It's lovely, isn't it? She is also friends with Sandy, and the two mention each other in dialogues. At the end Emily tries to tell you something, but Clint roughly interrupts her. Emily es una aldeana que vive en Pueblo Pelícano, y uno de los 12 personajes en total disponibles para el matrimonio. Her home is next to Jody’s. The leaves and bright red berries make a popular winter decoration. Information Show More. Saved by Stephanie Struble. You aren’t able to use it until you get cloth. Ella también es amiga de Sandy, lo cual las dos lo mencionaron. In Haley and Emily’s home there is a Sewing Machine. I hope you had a wonderful day.”, “Is it bed time already? Stardew Valley Farms. As a fan of it, you may have heard or already tried mods. Sie ist mit Sandybefreundet. Have a nice day.”, “Gus seems to have problems organizing everything without me around.”, “My day went well... it's good to get out of the house now and then.”, “I hope we can raise [child] to be kind and considerate. I just never thought it would be this! 10:30 AM : Visit's Harvey's Clinic for annual checkup. After a moment, she continues walking but quickly stops, confused. Stardew Valley Bachelorette: Emily. I'm stuffed. I think she'll become a very nice young lady some day... Don't tell her I said that. (If you marry Emily, the parrot will move into your house as well.). Oglądasz po kolei strój każdego z obecnych. The cutscene is lovely but getting better when a bear make an appearance. Created Feb 12, 2013. Your response will affect her affection for you. It's for my birthday? Clint bursts in, saying he's too embarrassed to go out in his new outfit. September 2, 2019. 12. That's very kind of you! 673k. I can see it in your eyes... you believe in the other world, like me.”, “I wish Haley would get a job or at least contribute to cooking and cleaning. ]”, “You know, I'm sure Gus would understand if I wanted to leave the Saloon someday. At two hearts, when entering her house you'll find Emily sleeping in her bed. Esténként a Hullócsillag Szalonban dolgozik, délután 4 órától. Like the Harvest Moon series, Stardew Valley has a large pool of marriage candidates for all your loving needs. Your farmhouse seems nice and cozy.”, “It must be so cold for the poor fish. Stardew Valley - Emily: Guide and Tips. Following is a detail of gifts that Emily … Last Updated on 10 August, 2020 . This would indicate that she worries a bit more about her appearance than one would otherwise perceive. She tells you that she is excited to show you her secret hobby that she has been working on for a long time. When you get a ten hearts relationship with Emily, you will receive a letter in the next morning. it's all about. Ils discutent tous les deux, et Clint est découragé : "*soupir* Je suis fichu ... Grand Festival de Stardew Valley « « Je me plains parfois de mon travail, mais j'en suis … 04:00 PM : Leaves the clinic and walks to the saloon for work. Emily from Stardew Valley hates Autism Speaks! ", which makes Clint sad. I always knew we'd become close like this...”, “Doctor, I'd like to go with the 'natural remedy' if possible.”, “Haley is a picky eater. Requires SMAPI … Stardew Valley … ", "Wow, this snowman needs a makeover. And Emily's event with the dream was hysterical! If you do, Emily will visit your house and you will learn how to use the Sewing Machine. What is this mod use for: There is no need to say that Stardew Valley Mods is a great way to spend your leisure time. 908 Views. She works most evenings at The Stardrop Saloon starting at about 4:00 PM. There's a certain freshness to the air and the wildlife is much more active.”, “Oooh! Robin puts on a fine dress and lets her hair down, embracing her feminine side. Ruby6. She works part-time at the Stardrop Salon. 2 + Follow - Unfollow Posted on: Jun 28, 2020 . To help you unlock each new Heart Event I am writing a guide for each spouse. A precious stone with a brilliant green color. Emily is confused. Emily #stardewvalley. I'm counting squirrels.”, “A little sunlight is good for you. I keep having this dream. Here we will discuss Emily Stardew Valley, hope you will enjoy it. With it you are able to upgrade the game and get your own personal version. I love it.”, “You remembered my birthday! For example, if it is raining, that schedule overrides all others. On rainy nights, she may offer you dessert that is "raw", "gluten-free", and "sweetened only with cactus syrup": Rice Pudding, Blueberry Tart, Cookie, or Chocolate Cake. External Links Edit. I can't stand it.”. If you are a fan, most probably you have already heard about mods or even tried them. She is playersexual and is attracted to the player character regardless of gender. https://stardewvalley.fandom.com/wiki/Emily?oldid=35792, "This house was left in our care by my parents. One by one, you get to see each character's choice. Stardew Valley Farms. Favorite Gift(s) My main issue with Emily was that I wanted to romance her on day one of the game's release, ... Stardew Valley is an open-ended country-life RPG with support for 1–4 players. To start here’s how to unlock the Emily 14 Heart Event in Stardew Valley. Recently game developer ConcernedApe, released update 1.1, giving even more marriage options in the form of both Emily and Shane.With these new options has come more Heart Events to uncover. My, the day just floated away from me again.”, “Ah, that aroma! 48 notes. A letter will invite the player to meet Emily in the Secret Woods after 10pm that night. She is one of the twelve characters available to marry. And remind her to visit me tomorrow.”, “You're such a nice person, [Player]! Recently game developer ConcernedApe, released update 1.1, giving even more marriage options in the form of both Emily and Shane.With these new options has come more Heart Events to uncover. However, the event can still trigger on a subsequent night after 10pm by going to the Secret Woods once you've gained access. It can be easy to forget, sometimes.”, “I can hear the plants talking to each other... they're so happy after today's rain!”, “How was your day, [Player]? It's hard to really see what the tattoos are, but … Content patcher and XNB versions are available. The season of pastels. Comments 27. Emily does not give a name for the bird. I was mumbling about fashion again, wasn't I?”, “I like making my own clothes, but it's not easy to get cloth. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life. This is a redesign for Emily that incorporates three other mods with the Seasonal Outfits mod as the baseline. Replaces Emily's sprite and portrait with ones that make her look like Ruby from the web-series RWBY, more specifically her volume one design. Stardew Valley's Emily is an energetic cook with a lively personality. Deep underwater, all kinds of life forms are moving around in the dark. Shown below are Emily's schedules prioritized highest to lowest. I bet your farm did great this past summer, huh? The level of depth that has been given to the friendship mechanic in Stardew Valley is almost unmatched. Emily is a villager and romance option from the video game Stardew Valley. This template should be removed once the page is up-to-date without any pre-release information. Follow. Stardew Valley is an open-ended country-life RPG! September 2, 2019. It breaks my heart that he'll never fly again.”, “I love getting up early. This page was last modified on 19 October 2020, at 17:52. These gifts will raise or lower her friendship level with you. Stardew Valley. It makes me sad. Just don't get crispy, okay?”, “Good morning! External Links Emily on the Stardew Valley Wiki I'm thinking maybe a salad of fresh foraged greens for dinner tonight?”, “Phew! I don't know what it means, but I feel that it's a good omen.”, “I hope you'll still like me when I grow old and my hair turns to a dull, faded steel.”, “Happy new year, honey. These Heart Events take place at 14 Hearts. This took a LOT longer then I hoped but its done, now onto Weiss who should be done by 2035 at … It pays the bills.”, “I'm just working at Gus' to make ends meet... but my real passion is tailoring. I like them both sooo much! The screen pans and fades, and you find yourself viewing Emily's dream. Basic information about Stardew Emily Emily is a resident of 2 Willow Lane in Pelican town. The event with Abby where she uses the Ouija board and spells "I <3 " is so cute! Trivia - Sandy , at her first meeting with the player, claims to have been aware of their presence, saying that Emily had written to her about the newcomer. We had climbed to the top of a crystal tree, looking down on the most lush and beautiful meadow. I really shouldn't be complaining. Emily Blonde Extension. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... Emily is the absolute worst girl. In patch 1.1 Emily, alongside Shane, became a marriage candidate for the player. I have my hands full!”, “Well, [child] certainly has your hair...”, “Oh, I already fed the kids their organic quinoa puffs with goat milk. You'll enter Emily's room. her I think I missed my calling.”, “Do you like the jack-o-lanterns? The following information may be inaccurate or subject to change as it is from the pre-release development updates from Stardew Valley. Tags. (Note: If it is raining or a festival day, the event will trigger on the following night. You can make them yourself if you know the crafting recipe.”, “This house was left in our care by my parents. 2 Willow Lane Emily is a villager and romance option from the video game Stardew Valley. This is a redesign for Emily that incorporates three other mods with the Seasonal Outfits mod as the baseline. That's more important than getting A's in school.”, “Is one child enough, or should we raise another? Ela trabalha com Gus, que emprega seu tempo parcial no Saloon. Emily has a sister called Haley. I made these clothes from scratch, see?”, “I've heard rumors of rare and powerful magic rings, forged long ago by forgotten civilizations. I'd love it if she was my wife and danced for me. You can present Stardew Valley Emily with two gifts per week in addition to the one on her birthday. Ela também é amiga de Sandy, que em seu primeiro encontro com o jogador, afirma ter tido conhecimento da presença do fazendeiro mesmo antes do acesso ao deserto cálicoter aberto, dizendo que ela havia escrito para Emily sobre o recém-chegado. Her home is south of the town square, right next to Jodi's, at the address 2 Willow Lane. Sandy, at her first meeting with the player, claims to have been aware of the farmer's presence even before access to The Calico Desertwas opened, saying that she had written to Emily about the newcomer. Emily leaves her house on a sunny day. In the new 1.4 update of Stardew Valley ConcernedApe added new Heart Events to unlock with your spouses. It's hard to get fresh ingredients in the winter, huh?”, “My sister and I might fight sometimes, but I would really miss her if she left. Sandy-val is barátok, meg is említik egymást. I look forward to her visits!”, “Hi, [Player]! Several dialogues and cutscenes reveal that Clint has romantic interest in Emily, though he is too shy to tell her. I like them both sooo much! I just can't talk to you anymore... Emily may randomly request an item at the, Although not requested by Emily, fulfilling the quest. By Gazeozo Watch. However, I feel like some of the NPCs portraits didn't look appropriate: for Emily, I felt like her portrait made her look a little creepy, too pale, and nothing like her sister, Haley. By AmayaMarieSuta Watch. It’s available for Abigail, Emily, Haley, Leah, Maru and Penny. Emily’s birthday (Spring 27) gift will have an 8x effect and trigger a unique dialogue. They're both dropkicks working deadend jobs that spend all their time indulging their vices and simmering in their own self-defeat. Cutscene video: https://youtu.be/XWaSEwN4gBw. I.e. Enter town on a sunny day. Already a deviant? Spring 27 Exit the farmhouse between 5am and 8:20am. stardewvalleyficrecs. Enter the Mayor's house. I enjoy living here, though. After reaching 7 hearts with Emily she will send you a recipe in the mail. Gus-szal dolgozik részmunkaidőben a szalonban. She is looking at the viewer with a smile. Emily #stardewvalley. Join the community to add your comment. It's okay, [Player]... you deserve a good night of rest.”, “You're doing great work, [Player]. I think the future looks bright for both of us.”, “Hi, [Player]. Friday (after restoring the Community Center). A letter in the mail will invite the player to the Mayor's Manor that same day during open hours. Sandy, at her first meeting with the player, claims to have been aware of the farmer's presence even before access to The Calico Desert was opened, saying that Emily had written to her about the newcomer. Emily vive com sua irmã Haley, e juntas elas tomam conta da casa dos seus pais, que estão viajando pelo mundo pelos últimos dois anos. 11:00 AM : Leaves her house to meet Marnie, Caroline, Jodi, and Robin at Caroline's house starting at noon for exercise activities. Content patcher and XNB versions are available. Emily from Stardew Valley obscureshirt. Stardew Valley Emily Gifts, Schedule and Heart Events – a wiki with all the info you need to marry Emily in Stardew Valley Well, you know what they say... 'You can't cage a wild Junimo'”, “If I didn't have to work I'd suggest we go on a nice picnic!”, “I think Clint's mad at me. Anyway, how is your day going?”, “Nothing like a sunny Sunday to lift the spirits!”, “Smell that clean air? Here we will discuss Emily Stardew Valley, hope you will enjoy it. I have faith that something good will happen today!”, “Hey, someone must've gotten a good night of sleep... you look fresh this morning.”, “My horoscope for the day isn't too good... but I'm going to make the best of it, as always. Clint is apprehensive about the whole thing, but after Emily coaxes him, he goes ahead. You can give Emily up to two gifts per week (plus one on With the upgraded version or quality sprinkler stardew valley you can water 8 crops in the perfect square without leaving gaps around. Eerie, isn't it?”, “You know, I would've made a good clown. It's hot but it feels great, doesn't it? Emily Blonde Extension. 27 Comments. ", "I bet you're an excellent farmer by now! A spring-time berry with the flavor of the forest. I want to live a long and active life.”, “Hello there, [Player]. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life. her To help you unlock each new Heart Event I am writing a guide for each spouse. Emily floats above a purple stone structure on a large cloud. The chance of receiving a gift in the mail increases as your friendship with Emily increases. I feel like Emily would either dislike or hate it, since she already dislikes or hates a good chunk of the fish dishes, same case with Evelyn.