selective breeding has resulted in the development of so-called, âcleanâ forms
Common Name: Pigeon Blood Discus, Discus. of Pigeonblood Discus, whereas the black freckles are limited to only the face or
Size Quantity. 2 reviews for Yellow Pigeon Blood Discus. In time, due to its unique
Have a question about this product? Pigeon Blood Discus should not be housed with aggressive or boisterous fish species or in aquariums with intense lighting or strong water currents. names since its introduction. Return To: Why Are Discus Fish Called Pigeonblood. $32.00. Visit us online today at The iFISH Store! The overall coloration of Discus will vary depending on mood and overall health of the fish. Overnight shipping on all orders. is to brighten the color of the Discus fish, which an overwhelming majority of
Discus Color variations » Colour variations. Featuring over 30 different strains of the most sought after discus fish in the world, Myrtle Beach Discus breeds and imports some of the finest discus in the world. How to successfully breed Pigeon Blood Discus in the aquarium environment. darker appearance and will fade in and out depending on the mood, and aquarium
Pigeon Blood Discus is Discus that has a colour base ranging from creamy yellow to orange, it has bright red eyes and trimmed, its eyes are bright red, and it has striations all over its body as well as black specks. It also had considerable black coloration in the fins and a little on the body. German Wonder 3+ Inch. The fins are brown with a turquoise hue. The pigeon blood was developed by Kitti Phanaitthi from Thailand. Lastly, be sure to maintain excellent water quality at all times as Discus do not leave a lot of room for error when it comes to water quality and consistency. In the wild, Discus are found living in the upper tributaries of the Rio Negro and Rio Madiera along with the surrounding lakes and flood plains. It is also very important to maintain very consistent water parameters that have very little fluctuations pH, temperature and dissolved mineral fluctuations. Red Turquoise Discus Med $ 217.45 $ 173.96 SALE. Out Of Stock. Discus Pigeon Blood 7cm. In early 1991 Jack Wattley brought the first Pigeon Blood Discus fish into his hatchery. Over the yearâs
Email. Out Of Stock. Royal Red Discus Sm/md $ 122.45 $ 97.96 SALE. Sort By: Sort by popularity Sort by average rating Sort by latest Sort by price: low to high Sort by price: high to low. Pigeon Blood Discus - Silver; Pigeon Snakeskin Discus; Red Leopard; Red Scribbelt Discus; Red Turquoise Discus; Santarem Discus; Snakeskin Blue Discus; Snakeskin Red Discus; Specials! Item Information. Blueâs and Whiteâs that are found in todayâs aquariums. Itâs impossible to tell by the name, if the fish
to the present, and adding into the confusion many different colors, and new
In fact, the Pigeonblood Discus lineage is
Their overall diet should be higher in proteins and fats then the average tropical fish species. This strain was developed by Kitti Phanaitthi in 1991 from a mutation in Thailand. The 1980s and 1990s saw an explosion in new Discus mutations with the development of the Ghost, Snake Skin, Pigeon Blood, Blue Diamond, Snow White and Albino Discus variations. Home Pigeon Blood Discus. in Thailand, quickly exploded, spreading around the world and became the basis
Discus Various 5cm. to the world and our aquariums. This product is currently out of stock and unavailable. Discus | Pigeon Blood Discus. If you dont like the peppering, then you may likely want Red Eagel Discus instead. Pigeon Blood Discus aquariums should closely resemble their natural Amazonian habitat with plenty of plants and branching root. Adult Size: 8- 10 inches Life Expectancy: 5 years Habitat: Amazon basin of S. America Minimum Tank Size: 40 gallon Ideal Tank Conditions: Temperature Range: 82-86F these Discus fish are of Pigeonblood decent. In the early 1990’s Pigeonblood Discus fish were introduced to the world and our aquariums. SKU: pigeon-panda Category: Patterned. If the breeding is to a discus with vertical stress bars the fry may be heavily peppered. The pigeon blood gene is dominant. Discus Pigeon Blood 9cm. look these new Discus fish, which began from morphed Red Turquoise originating
Pigeon Blood Discus, XL. Pigeon Blood Discus With such vibrant colors and patterns, this is one gorgeous Discus that many hobbyist sought after! Pigeon Blood Discus Fish 2.5 Inch $ 25.00. Add to Wishlist. SKU: yellow-pigeon-blood-discus Categories: Pigeon Blood, Yellow Discus, Shop By Breeder, Mr. Kitti Phanaitthi. Juvenile Pigeon Blood Discus should be fed at least 3 to 5 times per day, while adult specimens should be fed 2 to 3 times per day. Over the years breeders have not only raised enough tank-bred specimens to largely fulfill the demand from the aquarium hobby, but have developed completely new color strains and patterns as well. The tails of Pigeon Blood Discus are almost always black. Pigeon Blood Discus were originally developed from a mutation found in a Red Turquoise Discus in 1989. This is called “Peppering”. Red Pigeon Blood Discus are a well sought after variety due to their coloration and pattern. Colour variations: Download PDF: Table of colours ... Pigeon Blood Silver Marlboro Red Solid Fire Red Pigeon Blood Snake Dark Angel Checkerboard: Leopard Snake Skin: German Wonder. During the 1970s breeders began to concentrate on producing more colorful Discus with a broader range of colors and patterns. Due to their popularity and the high price tag that they command, Discus are very popular with fish breeders. The body of the Pigeon Blood Discus is a warm yellow coloring with light marbling. Adult Size: 6-7 inches. Discus Various 7cm. Dimensions: 1 × 1 × 1 in: Related products. Details about Pigeon Blood Discus-Live Tropical Fish Quarter/Half Dollar size. Pigeon Blood is a strain of Discus fish and does not apply to all Discus. In the beginning this new Discus fish when
Home / Discus Fish / Patterned / Pigeon Panda. $32.00. Dragon Discus. Wild Discus originate from the Amazon River Systems of South America, where they were first imported into the aquarium hobby in the early 1930s. Out Of Stock. Kitti Phanaithi, a breeder of Discus since 1970 in Thailand, saw a Discus in a friends tank that had a very yellow and golden sheen in the coloration. Water parameters should be very consistent with a pH near 6.8 to 7.2, temperature between 82° to 86° Fahrenheit with low to medium water currents. The freckles can give the Discus a
Discus Yellow Pigeon Blood Discus 9cm. Pigeon based discus are sold under many names such as Marlboro, Melon, Tangerine, White Butterfly, Blue Panda and Golden. The goal of this type of breeding
The overall coloration of Discus will vary depending on mood and overall health of the fish. nose. As with most other fish species, they should be fed an amount of food that they will consume within 10 minutes, with leftover foods removed from the system by either a quality mechanical filter or manually if strong filtration is not present. Some of the varieties of this strain have more or less straitions or black spotting with more cream colored body coloring. $113.85. With many names based on colored varieties resulting from controlled breeding, Symphysodon aequifasciata is referred to as the Pigeon Blood Discus. They selectively bred specimens for their blue striations that eventually produced Turquoise and Cobalt Discus, while other breeders intensified the natural red striations that later produced Pigeon Blood Discus and Pigeon Blood Discus. If strong aquarium lighting is used for plant growth, be sure that the density of the plant life is great enough to provide shaded areas for the Pigeon Blood Discus to retreat to when needed. Pigeon Blood, Yellow Discus, Shop By Breeder, Mr. Kitti Phanaitthi. They were sold to me from a not so well-known … Pigeon Blood Color Evolution (click here) Pigeon Blood Blue Color Evolution (click here) Videos Pigeon Blood Red Color Evolution (click here) Videos Pigeon Blood Silver (White butterfly) Color Evolution (click here) Videos Pigeon Blood Snake (White Scorpion) Color Evolution (click here) Videos Checkerboard NEW Discus fish strain. Being closely related to the freshwater Amazonian Angelfish, it was assumed that Discus breeding requirements would be the same. In early 1991 Jack Wattley brought the first Pigeon Blood Discus fish into his hatchery. Snakeskin Pigeon Blood Discus Sm/md $ 119.95 $ 95.96 SALE. Habitat: Amazon basin of S. America. Pigeon Blood Discus With such vibrant colors and patterns, this is one gorgeous Discus that many hobbyist sought after! Your Aquarium is Your Very Own Personalized Sunrise and Sunset The relationship between a discus keeper and her fish is as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the water. In the early 1990âs Pigeonblood Discus fish were introduced
White Leopard. own spin to market this new Discus fish with trade names, such as Panda or
and was therefore disqualified from competitions. When keeping Pigeon Blood Discus in the home aquarium, it is extremely important to replicate their natural surroundings and water parameters as closely as possible. Additional information Additional information. $56.35. The body of the Pigeon Blood Discus is bright orange with black marbling. Regular price $ 49.99 $ 39.99 Sale. Discus are very popular amongst intermediate to advanced fish keepers, and are widely considered to be one of the most rewarding and challenging to keep of the freshwater tropical community fish species available within the hobby. body of the fish has a sooty appearance, like black freckles air brushed onto it,
Condition:--not … Rated 5 out of 5. by John Iannone; 10 x 2.5" Discus our pick. Recommended tank mates include: most Tetra species, loaches, cory catfish, smaller Plecostomus species, Siamese Algae Eaters, Ottocinclus, Rams, peaceful Rasbora species, Rainbow fish, Hatchet fish and Pencilfish. This further added to confuse Discus enthusiast as to what are,
Some breeders have noted that if you can grow young Pigeon Blood Discus in a brightly lit aquarium, that there should be less black spots or peppering on botht the body and finnage. Royal Blue Read more; Ring Leopard Read more; Red Spotted Green Discus Tiger Turquoise 9cm. The Discus has surpassed the Angelfish as the … A Pure pigeon bred to any other discus will produce all pigeon fry. Quality and new generation of Pigeon Blood Discus are red eyes, less black dusting, richer reds, more white on the body. responsible for brighter Yellowâs, Redâs, Orangeâs, and to a lesser degree
They are showing gorgeous patterns and the coloration is vivid... Now $104.99. Click or tap the images below to view full size images, then click or tap off the image to shrink again. Showing the single result. At Myrtle Beach Discus, our discus are hand picked from internationally recognized breeders.Our breeding pairs … 3 Amazing Red Stripe Pigeon Blood Discus Fish at the 13th Thailand Tropical Fish Competition - Bangkok, 2014 A Romanian in Bangkok. Discus can thrive in a wider range of water parameters as long as the changes are not sudden and the fish has adequate time to adjust to changing parameters. Rated 5 out of 5. Tefe Discus; White Leopard; Recent Reviews. customers are looking for. MSRP: $45.00 Sale. 2 viewed per hour. This was a new strain, which the world had not seen or heard of yet. many more colors and names be developed and introduced from the Pigeonblood
entered into Asian fish shows, was accused of being highly hormone, or unreal
$79.99. Pigeon Discus The pigeon bloodline is perhaps the most famous of all discus varieties. Wide selection of species and sizes available for all types of freshwater aquariums. In the years to come I can certainly predict that
"Pigeon Blood" is that translation and it sounded good to me, so I used it as the name. Red Melon Pigeon Blood Cross Discus. Pigeon Blood Discus are a selectively bred or man-made species of Discus that typically have a creamy yellowish to orange base color, highlighted by bright red eyes and trimmed off in black stripes and spots. Red Melon Pigeon Blood Cross Discus. Pigeon Blood Discus are a selectively bred or man-made species of Discus that typically have a creamy yellowish to the orange base color, highlighted by bright red eyes and trimmed off in black stripes and spots. We now know this is not possible with Discus because fry consume the mucus excreted from the sides of the parents. $139.00. Scientific Name: Symphysodon Aequifasciatus Common Name: Pigeon Blood Discus, Checker Board Discus, Discus. Size is about 2 - 2.5 inches. Pigeon Blood Discus are a selectively bred or man-made species of Discus that typically have a creamy yellowish to orange base color, highlighted by bright red eyes and trimmed off in black stripes and spots. decorations. Red Melon Pigeon Blood Cross-Breed Discus You get the best of both world with this gorgeous mix of Pigeon Blood x Red Melon strains! Pigeon Blood Discus-Live Tropical Fish. $169.00. $102.35. breeders selling to an international audience, of this era quickly added their
High quality aquarium fish at the lowest prices online and shipped right to your door. This was a new strain, which the world had not seen or heard of yet. Bringing us
The Discus has surpassed the Angelfish as the most popular freshwater aquarium fish. Created in 1991 by Thailand breeder “Kitti Phanaitthi” (, Pigeon Bloods have a bright white, sometimes cream-colored body with bright red striations and, most … Pigeon Blood Discus was created through a mutation in Thailand. Red Melon Pigeon Blood Cross-Breed Discus You get the best of both world with this gorgeous mix of Pigeon Blood x Red Melon strains! In the beginning this new Discus fish when entered into Asian fish shows, was accused of being highly hormone, or unreal and was therefore disqualified from competitions. âPigeonblood Discus fishâ? Discus Pigeon / Orange. MSRP: $45.00 Sale. Red Leopard: Fire Leopard. Check out our SPECIALS on Discus and Cichlids! The water also maintains very stable and consistent water parameters year round, including water temperatures that range between 80 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit both during the day and night. It was bred from from fish that had been treated with hormones and color enhancers in Dr. E. Shmidt-Focke’s stock. Read More: Why Do Discus Fish Have Black Spots (Peppering), © document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Mac's Discus, Why Do Discus Fish Have Black Spots (Peppering). Out Of Stock. Notice the black spots on the 1st pic? When keeping Discus with live plants, it is best to keep the aquarium pH between 6.0 to 6.8 and a lower water hardness of 150 PPM or less. Pigeon Blood Discus should be fed a variety of nutritional meaty foods including: white worms, blood worms, Tubifex worms, high protein pellet and flake foods. The water is very low in mineral content, which makes it "soft" water with a low pH ranging from 4.0 to 7.0. This Peppering is sought after by many breeders in the persuit to get a full black discus. Pigeon Blood Discus, Extra-LargeWith such vibrant colors and patterns, this is one gorgeous Discus that many hobbyist sought after! Ever since their introduction into the hobby to this day, Discus are considered one of the most colorful, demanding, rewarding and expensive of all tropical freshwater aquarium fish species. Through selective breeding, today's aquarium hobbyists can choose from a wide variety of brightly colored and varied patterned Discus now available within the hobby. Out Of Stock. The tails of Pigeon Blood Discus are almost always black. Music by Josh Woodward. Strong biological and mechanical filtration along with weekly partial water changes are required to keep water quality high and water parameters consistent. Size is about 2 - 2.5 inches. How to properly feed Pigeon Blood Discus and provide a healthy diet. Out Of Stock. The iFISH Store. Pigeon Blood Discus native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility. Reviews (2) Free Shipping Offer! How to successfully keep Pigeon Blood Discus in the home aquarium. Please understand that the translation is exact words, but the idea was Golden Orange-Red." Discus were not successfully spawned until the late fifties with Jack Wattley in America and Eduard Schmidt-Focke in Germany doing the pioneering work. "By 1991 I had around 100,000 Pigeon Blood discus in my hatchery to keep up with the demand for this fish. Filter — Categories. Soon after their introduction
The fins are brown with a turquoise hue. Pigeon Blood is a strain of Discus fish and does not apply to all Discus.