Earthquakes include the 226 BC earthquake that destroyed the Colossus of Rhodes; one on 3 May 1481 which destroyed much of the city of Rhodes;[14] and one on 26 June 1926. Dînez dans un restaurant de bord de mer, prenez part à des sports aquatiques, ou plongez-vous dans l’histoire complexe de cette île paradisiaque : vous ne serez jamais à court d’occupations à Rhodes. 46. Although a remnant from Ottoman Turkish times they were not required in the population exchange of 1923–24 to resettle in Turkey like the Turkish, Greek, and other Muslim communities living mainly in Macedonia and other parts of Northern Greece because unlike these areas the Dodecanese Islands were under Italian administration at the time. De grands et hauts hôtels bordent les côtes nord et est. In the 15th century BCE, Mycenaean Greeks invaded. In 395 with the division of the Roman Empire, the long Byzantine period began for Rhodes. L’île de Rhodes possède un vaste choix d’hôtels ou d’hébergements, de toutes les catégories et de tous les styles. The interior of the island is mountainous, sparsely inhabited and covered with forests of pine (Pinus brutia) and cypress (Cupressus sempervirens). Turkey ceded them officially to Italy with the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne. After the Bronze Age collapse, the first renewed outside contacts were with Cyprus. At Kameiros on the northwest coast, a former Bronze Age site, where the temple was founded in the 8th century, there is another notable contemporaneous sequence of carved ivory figurines. Rhodes is situated 363 km (226 mi) east-southeast from the Greek mainland, and 18 km (11 mi) from the southern shore of Turkey. There is not any single public indoor pool on the island. [30][34] The island was again captured by the Arabs in 673 as part of their first attack on Constantinople. [23] Phoenician presence on the island at Ialysos is attested in traditions recorded much later by Rhodian historians. While the shores are rocky, the island has arable strips of land where citrus fruit, wine grapes, vegetables, olives and other crops are grown. These are the four major island arteries: Bus services are handled by two operators:[56]. [47] In the 1940s, there were about 2000 Jews of various ethnic backgrounds. À Rhodes, île de la mer Egée orientale, à courte distance de la côte turque, le climat est méditerranéen, avec des hivers doux et pluvieux et des étés chauds et ensoleillés. The island of Rhodes is shaped like a spearhead, 79.7 km (49.5 mi) long and 38 km (24 mi) wide, with a total area of approximately 1,400 square kilometres (541 sq mi) and a coastline of approximately 220 km (137 mi). Τέλος το Ροδίων Άθλησις - Βόλεϊ",, International Island Games Association website,, Mediterranean port cities and towns in Greece, Articles with Greek-language sources (el), Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox settlement with possible demonym list, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Articles containing Italian-language text, Articles containing Turkish-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2012, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from June 2012, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2011, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from May 2011, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2013, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Source 1: Hellinic National Meteorological Service, Kalathos Airfield: inoperative, 7 km (4 mi) north of. Créez un voyage pour enregistrer et organiser toutes vos idées et les visualiser sur une carte. Quand partir à Rhodes. The strong walls which the knights had built withstood the attacks of the Sultan of Egypt in 1444, and a siege by the Ottomans under Mehmed II in 1480. The Rhodian cities joined the Athenian League. Diagoras Airport, one of the biggest in Greece, is the main entrance/exit point for both locals and tourists. [30], Beginning from ca. Rugby: introduced in 2007. Traffic jams are common particularly in the summer months as vehicles more than double while parking spots downtown and around the old town are limited and can't cope with demand. [citation needed]. Rhodes is the largest of the Dodecanese islands of Greece and is also the island group's historical capital. In 1949, Rhodes was the venue for negotiations between Israel and Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, concluding with the 1949 Armistice Agreements. Its famous schools of philosophy, science, literature and rhetoric shared masters with Alexandria: the Athenian rhetorician Aeschines, who formed a school at Rhodes; Apollonius of Rhodes;[25] the observations and works of the astronomers Hipparchus and Geminus, the rhetorician Dionysius Thrax. Further widening of Rhodes-Lindos National Avenue (, Ring Road phases 2, 3 and 4 pending; phase 2 will extend the expressway to. 110. l'île de RHODES. Plans also exist for a new four lane express road connecting Rhodes Town with Diagoras Airport. On 8 May 1945 the Germans under Otto Wagener surrendered Rhodes as well as the Dodecanese as a whole to the British, who soon after then occupied the islands as a military protectorate. "[citation needed] The Rhodians also established their dominance on the shores of Caria across from their island, which became known as the "Rhodian Peraia". L'histoire de l'île de Rhodes. L'ancien … Avec 49 541 habitants (2011), la ville de Rhodes est la capitale de l’île éponyme, fondée en 408 avant J-C. Sa vieille ville médiévale, enfermée dans l’enceinte de hauts remparts construits du temps des Chevaliers de Rhodes, est classée sur la liste des monuments du patrimoine mondial de … The Medieval Old Town of the City of Rhodes has been declared a World Heritage Site. Teams compete at the national level. Rhodian tradition in cuisine is rich. The city developed into a maritime, commercial and cultural center; its coins circulated nearly everywhere in the Mediterranean. [citation needed] In 622/3, during the climactic Byzantine–Sasanian War of 602–628, Rhodes was captured by the Sasanian navy. The road network of the island is mostly paved and consists of 3 national roads plus one planned, 40 provincial and numerous local. Mon groupe de … Du club vacances à la chambre d’hôte au cœur des pins, voici une petite sélection qui vous permettra de … There is a significant Latin Catholic[41] minority on the island of 2,000, many of whom are descendants of Italians who remained after the end of the Italian occupation, pastorally served by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Rhodes. Both of these goals were dependent upon no one of the three great Hellenistic states achieving dominance, and consequently the Rhodians pursued a policy of maintaining a balance of power among the Antigonids, Seleucids and Ptolemies, even if that meant going to war with her traditional ally, Egypt. The road, recognised as National back in 2014, RODA: Municipal bus company that serves Rhodes city as well suburban areas (Koskinou, Faliraki, Ialysos, Kremasti, Airport, Pastida, Maritsa, Paradeisi) and the west coast of the island, KTEL: Limited liability private transport company that serve villages and resorts in the east coast of the island. [citation needed], The Persians invaded and overran the island, but they were in turn defeated by forces from Athens in 478 BC. In 408 BC, the cities united to form one territory. In the 16th century BCE, the Minoans came to Rhodes. Faut-il annulé le voyage ayant déjà verser 30 % ? [4][5][6][7] The name of the U.S. state of Rhode Island is thought to be based on this island. Les voyageurs ayant séjourné sur l'île (Île de Rhodes) et à proximité de l'aéroport (Aéroport international de Rhodes - RHO) ont laissé des avis positifs sur les hôtels Valentino Hotel, Alkyonides Hotel et … 6. At its peak in the 1920s, the Jewish community was one-third of the town's total population. Si vous choisissez l’île de Rhodes pour vos vacances, vous n’aurez pas le temps de vous ennuyer ! It extended roughly from the modern city of Muğla (ancient Mobolla) in the north and Kaunos bordering Lycia in the south, near the present-day Dalyan, Turkey. Rhodes (/roʊdz/ (listen); Greek: Ρόδος, romanized: Ródos [ˈroðos]) is the largest of the Dodecanese islands of Greece and is also the island group's historical capital. It was completed in 280 BC and destroyed in an earthquake in 224 BC. In Late Antiquity, the island was the capital of the Roman province of the Islands, headed by a praeses (hegemon in Greek), and encompassing most of the Aegean islands, with twenty cities. No trace of the statue remains today. Agesander of Rhodes, with two other Rhodian sculptors, carved the famous Laocoön group, now in the Vatican Museums, and the large sculptures rediscovered at Sperlonga in the villa of Tiberius, probably in the early Imperial period. Without a third power to which to turn, the Rhodians appealed in 201 BC to the Roman Republic. Austria opened a post-office at RHODUS (Venetian name) before 1864,[39] as witnessed by stamps with Franz-Josef head. Construit au 14e siècle, l’intérieur a été reconstruite en 1940 par des Italiens pendant l’occupation. [66], This article is about the Greek island of Rhodes. In the early Imperial period Rhodes became a favorite place for political exiles.[28]. The present municipality Rhodes was formed at the 2011 local government reform by the merger of the following 10 former municipalities, that became municipal units (constituent communities in parentheses):[2]. C'est un lieu réputé pour son histoire The knights would later move their base of operations to Malta. Kerkafos (en), le second fils, devient père de trois enfants, trois garçons dont les … Rhodes has a semi-arid hot-summer Mediterranean climate (Csa in the Köppen climate classification). [29] Rhodes reached her zenith in the 3rd century. L’arrivée sur l’île en bateau est un très beau moment où … [citation needed] Rhodian influence in the Aegean was cemented through the organization of the Cyclades into the Second Nesiotic League under Rhodian leadership. Administratively the island forms a separate municipality within the Rhodes regional unit, which is part of the South Aegean administrative region. Tennis: Rhodes Tennis Club (Ροδιακός Όμιλος Αντισφαίρισης) promotes officially tennis since 1949. [31][32][33], Rhodes was occupied by the Islamic Umayyad forces of Caliph Muawiyah I in 654, who carried off the remains of the Colossus of Rhodes. [22], In the second half of the 8th century, the sanctuary of Athena received votive gifts that are markers for cultural contacts: small ivories from the Near East and bronze objects from Syria. This was anticipated by the German Army, which succeeded in occupying the island with the Battle of Rhodes. For the moment, island is the seat of Dodecanissos Local Cycling Committee. Families in Rhodes often own more than one car, along with a motorbike. The municipality has an area of 1400.681 km2. Rhodes-Kallithea-Faliraki Province Avenue 4: Two lanes, runs through the east coast north to south and connects Rhodes City with Kallithea monument and Faliraki Resort. [13] In Petaloudes Valley (Greek for "Valley of the Butterflies"), large numbers of tiger moths gather during the summer months. The economy is tourist-oriented, and the most developed sector is service. Local foods include: Rhodes is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in Greece. Hélios est le premier à voir l'île sortir des eaux et la trouve si belle qu'il décide de la prendre sous sa protection. It is situated in a rocky shore near the village of Lardos in south east Rhodes. Administratively the island forms a separate municipality within the Rhodes regional unit, which is part of the South Aegean administrative region. [35] In 715 the Byzantine fleet dispatched against the Arabs launched a rebellion at Rhodes, which led to the installation of Theodosios III on the Byzantine throne.[30][36]. The principal town of the island and seat of the municipality is Rhodes. Le Parc National de Prasonisi est un espace protégé ; il occupe l' extrémité Sud de l' île de Rhodes.. L' île de Prasonisi est relié à celle de Rhodes par une large bande de sable formant un isthme .En saison, cette plage ainsi formée, balayée par les vents, est le"spot" idéal pour la pratique de … Les autres côtes de l'île sont parsemées de … For other uses, see, Island and Municipality in South Aegean, Greece, Duncan Garwood, Mediterranean Europe, 2009, Ryan Ver Berkmoes, Oliver Berry, Geert Cole, David Else, Western Europe, 2009, Harry Coccossis, Alexandra Mexa, The challenge of tourism carrying capacity assessment: theory and practice, 2004, B. d'Agostino, "Funerary customs and society on Rhodes in the. Central Port: located in the city of Rhodes serves exclusively international traffic consisting of scheduled services to/from Turkey, cruise ships and yachts. Tous les bus partent de la station centrale qui se trouve dans la ville de Rhodes, plus précisément à côté de la Nea Agora, proche du port de … C’est par une magnifique journée sous un soleil radieux et un ciel azur que nous sommes allés à la découverte de cette île … It is located northeast of Crete, southeast of Athens. [citation needed], After surrendering its independence Rhodes became a cultural and educational center for Roman noble families and was especially noted for its teachers of rhetoric, such as Hermagoras and the unknown author of Rhetorica ad Herennium. Kolona Port: opposite and north of the central port, serves intra-Dodecanese traffic and all sizes yachts. The island was populated by ethnic groups from the surrounding nations, including Jews. The name of the island comes from the ancient Greek Rhódon (rose), and is sometimes called the island of roses. 33. retour de Halki. 102. Un mélange de charme, de modernité et de valeurs sûres. Having provided Rome with valuable naval help in her first foray into Asia, the Rhodians were rewarded with territory and enhanced status. Kamiros Skala Dock: 30 km (19 mi) south west of the city near. For other uses, see, "Rodi" redirects here. Rhodes has a Turkish Muslim minority, which includes Greek Muslims whose ancestors from Crete and the Dodecanese converted to Turkish Islam in the Ottoman period. Boutiques de souvenirs & Magasins spécialisés, Excursions tout terrain, 4 × 4 & VTT, Circuits privés, Bâtiments architecturaux, Sites religieux. Elle est considérée comme l’un des endroits les plus ensoleillés d’Europe, et accueille de fait énormément d’européens qui viennent profiter de ses kilomètres de … The result was the Second Macedonian War (200–196 BC), which ended Macedon's role as a major player and preserved Rhodian independence. | Η ΡΟΔΙΑΚΗ", "Α2 Ανδρών (Μπαράζ ανόδου Α' ομίλου): Απόλλων Αθηνών - Ροδίων Άθλησις 3-1 (photos)", "Ροδίων Άθλησις - ΣΟΚ! Imaginez une petite crique en forme de cœur, avec l’acropole de Lindos en toile de fond et une chapelle où les mariages se succèdent tout l’été.. En plus de bénéficier d’un décor idyllique, la baie regorge de grottes et de … Rhodes est la plus grande ile de l’archipel du Dodécanèse, en Grèce (voir article sur les spots de cette région : Trip Kite en Grèce / Partie 2 : Le Dodécanèse), et la plus touristique. Kahal Shalom Synagogue, established in 1557, during the Ottoman era, is the oldest synagogue in Greece and still stands in the Jewish quarter of the old town of Rhodes. La vieille ville de Rhodes, à découvrir avec un guide touristique, abrite la rue médiévale des Chevaliers et le Palais des grands maîtres qui fut assiégé par les Ottomans puis occupé par les Italiens. [citation needed]. [42] The number of the Turks in Rhodes could be as many as 4,000. La ville médiévale de Rhodes, bien préservée, se trouve au nord de l'île dont elle porte le nom. [clarification needed] It was said that the Romans ultimately turned against the Rhodians because the islanders were the only people they had encountered who were more arrogant than themselves. Many flowering plants for which the island is named are abundant.
2020 île de rhodes