• International Trade Law, • Advanced International Law Clinic Melde dich jetzt an und empfange unseren Newsletter! He has published on the international right to education, on parental rights, and on constitutional law in Israel. Elle enseigne les matières de droit international des sociétés et d’european contrat law. He is the author of a book on the relationship between the International Criminal Court and the UN Security Council (I rapporti tra la Corte penale internazionale e il Consiglio di sicurezza, Napoli, 2018). Faculté des sciences juridiques politiques et sociales, université de Lille, capacité en Droit, Licences, Masters, Doctorat, Préparation aux concours, Droit, AES, Science Politique, enseignement à distance, formations tout le long de la vie, formation professionnelle, insertion professionnelle Prior to joining Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, she worked as an associate at Schellenberg Wittmer’s Zurich office and as a case lawyer at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. College & University Modalités de sélection : dossier. and J.S.D. Moritz Schmitt has been teaching the course on International Commercial Arbitration at the Université Catholique de Lille together with Ms Angelina Petti and Ms Eliane Fischer [insert links to profiles] since 2017. Since 2012, she has conducted consultancies for governments, NGOs, companies, trade unions and lawyers on business and human rights-related issues, including supply chain human rights due diligence. (au sens de l'article 714-1 du code de l'éducation) Service commun de documentation Service universitaire d’activités physiques et sportives Service commun des affaires sociales Service universitaire de médecine préventive et de promotion de la santé Centre des langues de l'Université de Lille … College & University Programme Coordinator, Council of Europe, Strasbourg (France) - Former Lawyer and Consultant in Human Rights and Rule of Law, Council of Europe, Strasbourg (France). Université de Lille. Master Droit des Affaires et Management des Risques de l’Entreprise (en alternance) - FLD Paris . Zimmer 2.27 . Guillaume Futhazar is a senior research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg. He has experience in different countries: Burundi (5 years), Haiti (1 year), Vietnam (1 year) and also Algeria, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, France, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Myanmar, Nepal, The Philippines, Tunisia, and Uganda. Possibility of earning a double degree (French/USA) spending the second semester of our Master 2 in one of the partner universities (under conditions), Possibilité d’obtenir un double diplôme et de passer le Barreau américain, passant le 2nd semestre du Master 2 aux Etats-Unis, • Law of International Organisations She holds a Ph.D. in European Law with honours (2011) and an LL.M in European Law (1999) from the University of Rennes. Programme Manager in Reconciliation and Culture, European Commission, DG NEAR, Brussels (Belgium) - Former Senior Consultant at the Legal Advisory Section, Special Tribunal for Lebanon, Leidschendam (Netherlands). She additionally is the founder of LORD OF LAW, a digital platform displaying a variety of law courses for students. He currently coaches the Master 1 students for the Telders, an International Law Moot Court Competition held each year before the International Court of Justice in the Hague. In addition, she has been coaching teams for moot court competitions in the areas of human rights and international law. La fac de droit de l'université catholique de Lille propose plusieurs masters en lien avec le droit de l'entreprise : Master 1 droit des affaires et vie de l'entreprise; Master 1 droit fiscal et vie de l'entreprise; Master droit des affaires et management des risques de l'entreprise Il est accessible après une licence en droit. Sarah Durelle-Marc is Associate professor at the the Lille Catholic University . La Faculté de Droit des Facultés de l’Université Catholique de Lille (FLD), anciennement la Faculté Libre de Droit propose sur ses 2 campus situés à Lille et à Paris (Issy-les-Moulineaux) des formations universitaires en droit (Licence de Droit, Masters 1 et Masters 2 de Droit), des formations en alternance et de la formation continue. Le master 2 comprend quatre parcours : - Droit du travail - Droit de la santé en milieu du travail - Droit de la protection sociale - Droit du dialogue social dans l’entreprise L’orientation recherche en Droit social est proposée au sein du Master mention Droit privé parcours Droit privé approfondi. She holds a PhD in Politics and Government from the University of Kent, along with a MA in European Politics and Democracy Studies, a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education from the University of Kent and a Ptychion in Philosophy from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. Conditions d'accès. He has lectured at Sciences Po, the American University of Paris, and at Bar-Ilan University and was a visiting scholar at the UCL School of Laws. Page officielle du Master 2 Droit de la distribution Université Lille 2 Droit et santé 17 étudiants Sous la direction de Mr Chantepie Tel. He has earned his LLM degree at Yale Law School, and LLB and MA (Phil) degrees at Bar-Ilan University (Israel). Julie Goffin is Legal Counsel in International Criminal Law and Human Rights Law at the International Criminal Court in the Hague (Netherlands). He is based in Port Louis, Mauritius. Angelina M. Petti is Legal Counsel at Segesser Law Offices in Zürich (Switzerland) and a Visiting Professor of International Commercial Arbitration at Lille Catholic University. Ses domaines de recherches sont le droit commercial, le droit international privé et le droit européen et international des sociétés et de l’insolvabilité. He moreover worked for more than a decade at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and served both at the Office of the UN Legal Counsel in New York and at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. Between 2015 and 2017, while on leave from the ICJ, she served as Legal Adviser to Judge Bruno Simma at the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal. Nicola Sibona holds an LL.M. Conditions d'admission, le contenu de la formation, les matières enseignées et les débouchés après la formation Master Droit, économie, gestion mention droit de l'entreprise spécialité droit des affaires • Legal English She has ever since extensive experience in Civil, Commercial and Criminal Law and has furthermore worked with NGOs, namely for the International Bar Association (2008), where she was involved in outreach and monitoring activities with the IBA-ICC (International Criminal Court) Programme in The Hague (the Netherlands). L’intitulé de sa thèse est le suivant : « La concurrence institutionnelle dans l’Union Européenne : l’exemple du droit des sociétés ». Il est maître de conférences permanent à la faculté depuis 2009, assesseur au doyen en charge du développement international, responsable pédagogique de la licence européenne de droit, co-directeur de l’International and European Law School (IELS), responsable de la PrepAvocat et membre du C3RD. Yannick Radi is the author of several publications, notably of a forthcoming textbook on International Investment Law and Arbitration which will be published by Cambridge University Press. In addition, Moritz’ practice comprises complex corporate litigations before German courts. Sofia Tzortzi is a qualified EU lawyer (in Athens and Nicosia) and a political scientist specialised in EU law and policies. Catherine Denis is a Programme Manager in Reconciliation and Culture at the European Commission (DG NEAR) and a former lawyer specialised in International Criminal and Transitional Justice. en Droits de l’Homme, Sécurité, et Développement à la Faculté de Droit de l’Université Catholique de Lille. Melde dich jetzt an. ). He is member of the Católica Research Centre for the Future of Law, where he has been conducting research in the fields of the law of the sea and climate change law. Teaches Architecture juridique du système international | Head of Research Group at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg (Germany). Bilingual Program (English/French) + knowledge of a third language (Spanish or German), Global Visiting Professors Consulter le programme complet du Master en Gestion de Patrimoine et l'ensemble des informations nécessaires sur cette formation à la FGES Lille. He is involved in both individual and collective research projects, which are developed nationally and internationally. She notably examines how corporations and businesspeople can be held accountable for their human rights violations, through domestic, international and transnational processes. • Geopolitics and Human Rights Master Droit de l'Entreprise, Droit des Affaires et Fiscalité Localisation : Site de Pasteur Durée des études : 1 an Accessible en Formation initiale Formation continue. La Faculté de Droit des Facultés de l’Université Catholique de Lille (FLD), anciennement la Faculté Libre de Droit propose sur ses 2 campus situés à Lille et à Paris (Issy-les-Moulineaux) des formations universitaires en droit (Licence de Droit, Masters 1 et Masters 2 de Droit), des formations en alternance et de la formation continue. Besides professing at Lille Catholic University, he is also a Visiting Professor in several other universities and institutes, including the Institute of International Relations of Cameroon. Master II Droit et Fiscalité de l'Entreprise, Aix-en-Provence, France. Teaches International Trade law | European Union Official, European Commission, DG Trade, Brussels (Belgium). Associate Professor of Legal Philosophy and Human Rights Theories, Lille Catholic University, Lille (France). Se documenter, 60, Boulevard Vauban, CS 40109, 59016 LilleTél : 03 20 13 41 00, 35 rue Gabriel Péri, 92130 Issy-les-MoulineauxTél : 01 78 16 20 00. L’annuaire de toutes les formations de type Master à Lille (Nord ). Her current interests focus on human rights and judicial activism, as well as the constitutional implications of the ‘right to die’. Faculté des sciences juridiques politiques et sociales, université de Lille, capacité en Droit, Licences, Masters, Doctorat, Préparation aux concours, Droit, AES, Science Politique, enseignement à distance, formations tout le long de la vie, formation professionnelle, insertion professionnelle She furthermore founded and runs Rights as Usual, a well-respected blog on business and human rights which provides early-career and more established researchers with the opportunity to share their ideas.